eClass Support
eClass Training Sessions
Last modified on 01 December 2022 01:34 PM

IST eClass Support is currently providing training on a consultative basis. Please contact us at to arrange for a one-on-one or group consultation.

Remote Course Delivery

When shifting to fully online instruction, instructors can request training on the different tools available to deliver online lectures. This 1-on-1 or small group training is provided either online or in-person by IST's LSS team who are responsible for supporting remote lecture delivery in classrooms.

Online training can be scheduled by filling in the short google form here.


Teaching Online

The Centre for Teaching and Learning is also available for consultations and produced a quick help quide when winter 2020 term shifted online in March. 


Self-paced Options

  • eClass 101: eClass course describing the features of the system in short video format
  • Using eClass for Students: eClass course covering eClass basics from a student perspective
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