eClass Support
Knowledgebase: LMS Transition (Canvas)
Key Changes in Canvas
Last modified on 29 January 2025 10:04 AM

This article contains known differences between eClass and Canvas that instructors should take note of when transitioning to the new LMS. It is a living document that will grow over time. Users are encouraged to contact to suggest any additions to this page. Instructors should also review the Canvas Known Issues list that identifies any specific functional problems we have identified in Canvas and reported to the vendor.

From our experience in Wave 1 of the transition (Fall 2024), the changes users found most impactful were:

  1. Differences in the Canvas gradebook (summarized below and discussed in detail here)
  2. The way groups can now only be used for actual group work or grouped assignments

General Features

Key Difference



Maximum of twenty courses displayed

The Canvas Dashboard can only display up to twenty courses and will not show new enrollments.

Utilize 'Favoriting' courses from the All Courses list.

No setting available to hide/show courses

In Canvas, there is no course visibility setting. The course Publish/Unpublish option is similar but courses CANNOT be unpublished once any student submission has been graded. 

Student visibility to courses is controlled by the Participation > Course > Dates options in the course settings. All Bear Tracks credit courses are created by default in a published state but hidden from students until the specified date. In eClass, all Bear Tracks credit courses are created in a hidden state until the specified date. 

Labels (text and media areas) do not exist

When constructing content in modules, it is not possible to insert freeform formatted text or graphics into the display of the module page.

It is possible to enter short blurbs of text using the Text Header item but this cannot be formatted or include any graphics.

Module Navigation Link

When constructing course content using modules, it is not possible to hide the left-side course nav item for modules - this must be shown for students to see module content.

No workaround is available at this time.
Group Member Visibility

It is not possible to use groups as organizational units and NOT have students see all the other members of their group. 

No workaround is available at this time. Groups in Canvas should only be used for actual group assignments and projects.
H5P cannot be direct-hosted

Unlike eClass, Canvas does not natively support H5P direct uploads. To use H5P in Canvas, users must pay to have their content files hosted at

This difference has been identified to the LMS transition project team and they are evaluating options. It is also possible to use Lumi to convert h5p into SCORM.

No Dark Mode for desktop

There is no Dark Mode or Dark Theme setting available on Canvas.

Users may need to see other methods for mimicking dark mode on their devices and/or consult with the Academic Success Center at the University for tips and practices.

Dark mode is available on the Canvas mobile app.

No activity completion report

Canvas does not have a convenient report that matches eClass' Activity Completion report that provides data on the progress of all students in a course.

It is possible to view the completion progress of individual students in Canvas.


Key Difference



Entered grades are automatically visible 

By default when student grades are entered, they are automatically posted and visible to students. 

Instructors should change the Grade posting policy in their course gradebook so they can manually post grades.

Text cannot be uploaded into the gradebook

It is not possible to import text columns from a spreadsheet into the Canvas gradebook such as wrong answers columns in TSQS ScanTron results.

No workaround is available at this time.

Grade weightings

Basic grade calculations use the maximum grade of all assignments out of the total (similar to the "Simple weighted mean of grades" aggregation method in eClass.)

To achieve the eClass "Weighted mean of grades" calculation method, instructors must add/edit assignment groups and weight each group separately. Each assignment in the group can be out of any value which will be its contribution to the total, but the overall group itself can only have a single weighting.

Empty grades vs zero grades

There is no setting to include or exclude empty grade items from calculations: these are ALWAYS excluded. Instructors will need to take note of this when reviewing assignment grades and calculating course total grades. 

Instructors can leverage the option to mass convert missing grades to zeros.

Manual Grade Columns

It is not possible add new columns directly in the gradebook - these are created by adding Assignments with the submission set to none. 

No workaround is available at this time.

Grade Calculations

It is not possible to perform calculations on Canvas grade items as it was in eClass apart from dropping the lowest value from an Assignment group.

None. Users performing complex algebra to compute grades must now complete this in a spreadsheet and upload scores back into the LMS.

No activity completion report

Canvas does not have a convenient report that matches eClass' Activity Completion report that provides data on the progress of all students in a course.

It is possible to view the completion progress of individual students in Canvas.


Key Difference



Forced Subscription for discussions is not possible

In Canvas, unlike eClass, there is no option to force students to keep their email notifications on for specific forums, including the course announcements forum.

None at this time. Communicating with students that they are required to keep the announcement forum email notifications turned on in courses.

Discussion forums consist of a single topic

In Canvas it is not possible to have multiple, top-level topics within the same Discussion.

Instructors will need to add separate Discussions for different topics with clear instructions for students about the intended function of the activity (focused vs threaded.)

No visible groups in discussion forums

In group forums, there is no functionality that allows students to see other group's discussions but not reply to them. The only alternative is to have separate discussions for groups and the entire class.

Assignments and Quizzes

Key Difference



No ability to remove a students assignment submission

Students submitting incorrect files, etc, would not be able to remove their submission, nor can the instructor remove the submission.

Grant more attempts to student(s) using the Assignment settings (Canvas guide). 

Rubrics scoring

Rubrics cannot be edited after any submissions are made.

None. Any required scoring changes must be completed manually so instructors should take care when building rubrics.

Unpublishing with Submissions 

Canvas does not allow instructors to unpublish assignments or quizzes that contain student submissions.

Instructors can use the 'Assign to' date settings options to remove student access if required.

Variables in Formula questions  may not be reused in other questions

In Canvas, generated variables reside only with that question.

No workaround is available at this time.

Quiz Academic Dishonesty Statement

There is no similar setting in Canvas. 

Instructors can add blanket academic honesty statements to their course details or in the descriptions of specific quizzes.

Quiz Cross-out

There is no option for students to cross out distracting answers in MC quiz questions.

No workaround is available at this time.

Quiz adaptive mode

Providing students with homework quizzes where they can re-try questions within quizzes as many times as they want is not possible.

It is possible to allow students to re-take entire quizzes as many times as they want. It is also possible to have multiple attempts build on each other (but when doing this, any questions that are correct will not be displayed in subsequent attempts.) Any late penalties will be applied to all a student's attempts on a quiz.

Units in formula questions

Calculated formula questions do not provide the option for students to select units.

Unit options can be added as question answers in other question types.

Text headings in New Quizzes

There is no option to have free form text headings to break up questions in New Quizzes.

This feature is on the Canvas New Quiz roadmap for early 2025.

Other Tools

Key Difference



Labels (text and media areas) do not exist

When constructing content in modules, it is not possible to insert freeform formatted text or graphics into the display of the module page.

It is possible to enter short blurbs of text using the Text Header item but this cannot be formatted or include any graphics.

Syllabus Creation Tool does not exist

The Syllabus Creation Tool is custom software constructed in eClass that cannot be ported to Canvas.

Integration of new centrally-supported syllabus tool is underway.
Built-in syllabus tool activity list cannot be removed

By default, any graded assessment items with a due date in a course will display automatically as a list on the course syllabus (whether they are a part of a course total calculation or not.) At present, basic PDF Syllabus files are recommended.

.Work is underway to integrate an external syllabus tool with Canvas so the recommendation for now is to create syllabi as text files (pdf, ms word) just like in eClass and upload into the course as a linked file.
No Badges  There is no built-in functionality to provide gamification badges within courses. Alternatives are being investigated.
H5P cannot be direct-hosted

Unlike eClass, Canvas does not natively support H5P direct uploads. To use H5P in Canvas, users must pay to have their content files hosted at

This difference has been identified to the LMS transition project team and they are evaluating options. It is also possible to use Lumi to convert h5p into SCORM.

Certificate activity

There is no native certificate activity in Canvas that pulls student profile information to automatically generate an indication of course completion. It is possible to provide a generic course certificate in a module that require completion of other modules and/or require achieving specific scores on assignments or quizzes. Alternatives are being evaluated.
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