eClass Support
Google Meet Known Issues
Last modified on 01 September 2023 06:21 PM

This article lists the current known issues, technical problems, and workarounds with Google Meet online meetings. In addition to the U of A specific issues listed below, Google maintains up-to-date support resources for:

Issue Summary Known Workarounds

Dial-in numbers to join meetings use US area codes, and long distance charges may apply

If you do not have a US long distance plan, request that the organizer add you to the video meeting by phone.

Poor audio and video quality issues in meetings.

Users can adjust the video and audio settings to improve the experience.

Poor recording quality, especially when recording full screen.

The maximum resolution for sending/recording is 720p (depending on the computer capacity) so screen recording at a wider pixel width than that will be scaled to fit. As screen size increases, the quality decreases. Users are encouraged to use alternatives if this impacts them.

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