eClass Support
Adjusting Zoom Meeting Preferences
Last modified on 13 May 2024 03:23 PM

It is recommended that instructors consult CTL's zoom usage guidelines before adjusting meeting preferences in Zoom.

Instructors are required to have completed their Zoom registration through eClass prior to performing the following steps.

To change meeting preferences:

1. Access the Zoom web portal -

2. Click Sign In with Google and choose the proper UAlberta CCID profile:

Signing in to Zoom with Google

3. Confirm that the correct account is signed in in the top right:


4. Go to the Settings area through the left-side nav links. Note there are 3 separate tabs at the top:


5. Make your changes.

For more information on the full range of available settings configurable for meeting rooms, please see the Zoom documentation.

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