eClass Support
Grading cross-listed courses in Canvas
Last modified on 27 February 2025 03:25 PM

Cross-listed courses are courses containing multiple sections.

For a crosslisted course with the same course number, instructors can filter the Canvas gradebook [link this to instructions below] by section and then "Export Current Gradebook View" to generate grade reports for each section separately.

For cross-listed courses combining graduate and undergraduate sections with different requirements for each section, instructors can set up parallel assignments where the assignments differ or have different requirements for each section.

In the example below, the 400-level course has higher performance expectations and one additional assignment.

Two assignment groups have been created:

Parallel assignments setup

Each assignment will be assigned in the assignment settings to the relevant section:

Assign assignment to section

Student will be able to see only assignments assigned to their section.

When it comes time to generate grade reports, filter the gradebook by section:

Filter grade book

When you Export Current Gradebook View, the report will contain grades only from the filtered section.

Export filtered grade book

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