The page resource allows you to create a simple web page within your eClass course that can include text, images, and embedded videos. Pages offer an alternative to PDF documents when displaying content to students that are more easily updated and can offer more interactivity and media integration.
If you want to embed a video into your page, we recommend using Google Drive (or YouTube) to host the video and embedding directly from Google Drive onto the page.
Adding a Page
- Click on Edit mode, at the top right of your course page.
- Move to the topic area where you wish to add content (the week, unit, etc.) and click on the Add an activity or resource link.
- Click the Page icon.
- A new page will appear with the page settings.
- "Name" is required. Make this as meaningful as possible for your students.
- "Description" is optional. You may provide explanations or instructions here for your students.
- "Display description on course page": Toggles whether or not the description of your page will be displayed on the course page below the link to your page.

- Page content is required. Add content directly into the HTML editor or copy and paste from a pre-existing document.

Although not necessary to use, if you have an HTML code sample, or if you wish to edit code directly, you can also paste it into the editor with the code interface active:

- "Display": Together with the file type and whether the browser allows embedding, determines how the file is displayed.
- 'Open' - Only the file is displayed in the browser window.
- 'In pop-up' - The file is displayed in a new browser window without menus or an address bar.
- "Pop-up width (in pixels)": You may enter the pop-up width here, provided that the ‘In pop-up’ option for the display is enabled.
- "Pop-up height (in pixels)": You may enter the pop-up height here, provided that the ‘In pop-up’ option for the display is enabled.
- "Display page name": Toggles whether or not the page name will be displayed.
- "Display page description": Toggles whether or not the page description will be displayed.

Common module settings
- "Availability": This setting has 3 options:
- 'Show on course page' - The activity is available to students (subject to any access restrictions which may be set).
- 'Hide from students' - The activity is only available to users with permission to view hidden activities (by default, users with the role of teacher or non-editing teacher).
- 'Make available but now shown on course page' - A link to the activity must be provided from elsewhere, such as from a page resource. The activity would still be listed in the gradebook and other reports.
- "ID number": An ID number identifies the activity for grade calculation purposes.

Restrict access
Activity completion
- "Completion tracking": Activity completion is tracked, either manually or automatically, based on certain conditions. Multiple conditions may be set if desired. If so, the activity will only be considered complete when ALL conditions are met. A tick next to the activity name on the course page indicates when the activity is complete.
- "Require view":
- Student must view this activity to complete it: A tick will only appear once the student views the activity.
- "Expect completed on": This setting specifies the date when the activity is expected to be completed. The date is not shown to students and is only displayed in the activity completion report.

- The page resource allows you to create a simple web page within your eClass course. It is preferable to use pages for content you know you will have to change or update regularly. It is generally easier to edit a page within eClass than to repeatedly re-upload a file.
- When copying and pasting content into the editor, most formatting will not be copied. The only formatting preserved should be bold, italic, and underlined text.