eClass Quick Links
Canvas Quick Links
IST eClass Support
This article outlines best practices and suggestions for delivering
fully remote exams using the eClass quiz activity. Our team also
provides a number of additional supports on campus to assist
instructors as well as specific guidelines for the different ...
This article outlines the centrally supported tools available to make
a rapid transition to teaching fully online when face-to-face lectures
are not possible. It was originally authored at the onset of the Covid
pandemic when all courses were forced onlin...
An eClass sandbox course is useful for any instructor or staff member
who wants to explore the system, try out various activities, or do
some practice course construction. NOTE: You can only have one
sandbox per account.
You can create an eClass sandbox...
During the rapid shift online in March 2020 due to the Covid pandemic,
eClass began assisting instructors moving assessments online by
converting digital files into electronic exams. AS THIS SERVICE WAS
If you are an instructor using eClass for the first time, or are
interested in re-designing or improving upon your course content, the
U of A has a number of different groups and resources that are
available to assist you.
Instructors will typically encounter the following icons while working
on eClass.
[Help icon] HELP - Displays help information if you click on it.
EDIT MODE TOGGLE - Allows you to edit your eClass dashboard,
including y...
Your eClass course has a number of settings that you can modify such
as the course description, format, activity completion requirements,
and how grouped students are managed.
To access your overall course settings, click on _Settings_ found at
the top o...
The ACTIVITY CHOOSER is used to add activities such as quizzes, forums
or assignments to your course.
To add _Activities or Resources_, you must first turn on EDIT MODE at
the top right of your course page. Afterward, ADD AN ACTIVITY OR
RESOURCE becomes ...
This Territorial Acknowledgement and Commitment to Conciliation, with
the video of the Sweetgrass Teachings from Elder Fernie Marty,
Papaschase First Nation, is a resource available for all instructors
to add to their courses in eClass.
_This page was c...
Forums are a useful way to facilitate classroom discussion in an
online discussion room format. They can be set up in a number of ways
for different situations such as small group discussion, 1-to-1
conversation between instructor and student, question an...
ExamLock is a quiz integrity application developed by the IST eClass
team. The tool can be installed on Mac and Windows computers and
limits students to a quiz interface while an exam is being completed
and will block them from using a number of other app...
Quizzes are excellent ways to assess students' comprehension of course
material. They can provide a secure, automatic way of collecting
students' responses to questions that can be used as activities,
weekly homework assignments, confidential feedback, et...
When you combine multiple course sections in a single eClass course,
students are automatically assigned to groups based on the course
sections they registered in when registering for your course (LEC,
LAB, SEM, etc.).
You can also create additional grou...
Smart Exam Monitor (SEM) is a vendor-provided external tool that
allows instructors to remotely proctor online exams. It can be added
as a resource in eClass or Canvas courses.
SEM uses the student's WEBCAM and MICROPHONE to confirm their
identity and th...
Embedded Answer questions (or CLOZE questions) are a way of designing
multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers that are inserted
within a passage of text. They are useful when you want to have a
single question have multiple sub-parts and when...
Security features for online exams are important to ensure quiz
integrity. eClass offers a range of features that provide varying
levels of security which meet different needs. Most of the features
listed below can be used in combination. In addition to t...
This article explains how to add quiz questions to an existing quiz on
eClass. If you have not yet added a quiz, please see Adding Quizzes
* 1...
Assignments are one of the main forms of assessment in eClass. They
allow students to submit files or enter text online for marking, and
provide instructors with an easy-to-use interface in which to mark
File submissions can be in almost any format...
* 1 Getting started
* 2 Course Creation
* 3 User Accounts
* 4 Course Enrollments
* 5 System Features
The eClass External system is available for use by any U of A Faculty
or Staff with courses that require the part...
Instructors have a few different ways to embed videos into their
eClass course for students to watch. Please review our lecture
recording overview
This article outlines how instructors can set up exam accommodations
for students who are taking fully remote exams. Instructors should
also ensure they are familiar with the ACCOMMODATION GUIDELINES
This article provides a general overview for instructors using the
Yuja enterprise video platform. The platform provides instructors and
students with a place to upload videos, share them with course
channels, tools for recording and editing, and a pathwa...
* 1 Introduction
* 1 Using Import
* 2 Select a course to import from
* 3 Include activities and resources
* 4 Select specific activities and resources
* 5 Review selections
* 6 Notes
You can copy material from ano...
This article outlines how instructors can use the EXAMLOCK MANAGER to
schedule secure exam sessions for students to complete quizzes.
Instructors will need to configure their quizzes first following the
instructions at Using ExamLock to Promote Quiz Int...
In some cases, you may wish to set conditions which limit whether a
student can access a resource, activity, or an entire topic or section
based on any of number of different criteria, including time range,
grade range achieved on previous activity, user ...
A grouping in eClass is a set of groups.
If you are creating different groups for different assignments and
activities, all groups will be assigned to all assignments and
activities all the time without GROUPINGS, and students would need to
submit on be...
This article describes how instructors can add the new Approved
Student Accommodations Dashboard external tool to their courses. This
tool provides a convenient listing of any students who are approved
for academic accommodations for a particular course i...
This article outlines how instructors can use ExamLock Manager to
manage existing secure exam sessions and review student activity
during quizzes. Instructors should follow the instructions for Using
ExamLock to Promote Quiz Integrity in eClass
This article will explain how to add simple web links into any
editable content area where the HTML editor is available. For
instructors the main places would be: the content section headers of
their course home page, as content within page resources, in
This article lists the current known issues and technical problems in
ExamLock that are already under investigation or have been added to
our product backlog for repairs.
For instructor or student-specific troubleshooting articles, please
refer to either...
This article shows how instructors can quickly embed Google Drive
files including videos into their eClass courses. This process occurs
through an external integration provided by the Google suite
'Assignments' tool and only functions for files inside the...
The following is a summary of the question types available on eClass
for use in quizzes:
* ALL-OR-NOTHING MULTIPLE CHOICE: Allows the selection of multiple
responses from a pre-defined list of choices but uses all-or-nothing
grading (100% or 0%). For m...
This article discusses some considerations in using eClass to create
and manage large sets of quiz questions. For courses without extensive
question banks, you may instead refer to Adding Questions
Generally, there are two ways to add content to a course: creating new
'Page' resources (HTML files with content added directly to eClass)
and uploading existing documents as 'File' resources.
* 1 Dragging and Dropping Existing Files
* 2...
You can add images into any editable content area on eClass. If you
are a STUDENT, you would normally be doing this in a discussion forum,
an online assignment submission (not an assignment requiring a file
upload), or a collaborative page such as a wiki ...
When importing questions from the Question Bank there are several
formats that easily transfer into eClass quizzes. One approach is to
write questions using the AIKEN format. The AIKEN format allows you to
create multiple choice or true/false questions u...
The eClass mobile app, currently in a public beta release, offers
faculty, students, and staff easy access to eClass course
content. The app is available for download here.
Ratings can be useful for instructors who wish to track or grade forum
posts, glossary entries, and database entries and link them directly
to the course gradebook. They can also be used as a collaborative
activity by allowing students to rate each other'...
Instructors have the ability to view their course as how a student
would see it for the purposes of testing and ensuring that course
content meets the instructor's presentation expectations. There are
two ways this can be done:
* Role switching (fast) ...
eClass allows you to add hyperlinks (URLs) to resources on the
Internet and to customize those links as necessary.
* 1 Adding a URL
* 2 General
* 3 Appearance
* 4 URL variables
* 5 Common module settings
* 6 Restrict access
* 7 ...
Instructors can now add H5P interactive activities directly to their
eClass courses.
H5P ( ) activities are interactive learning objects based on a range
of open-source templates that can now be used as gradable activities
NEW IN JUNE 2023, instructors can create attempts for students within
the quiz activity. These attempts would reflect any random answer
ordering or question ordering _SPECIFIC TO THOSE STUDENTS_. Once
created, these attempts can be easily printed, giving ...
* 1 Conditional release based on activity completion
* 2 Restricting access
* 3 Restriction Sets
In order to conditionally release a resource or activity in your
course based on the com...
Badges are a gamification feature in eClass intended to make learning
more interesting for students. This article will introduce basic Badge
usage in eClass and is tailored to instructors who are new to Badges.
Three steps are required to use badges in a...
Course formats in eClass are options that organize and structure your
course content differently, _WITHOUT AFFECTING THE CONTENT ITSELF._
Feel free to try out different formats: switching between formats
never affects the content of the course by adding o...
Files are one of the basic and most used types of content in eClass
courses. When adding files, PDF files are usually preferable to other
formats since browsers display PDF files in a consistent format. For a
bit more information on general course content...
There are 2 main methods of displaying mathematical notations in
eClass, depending on users familiarity with math markup languages: the
more robust method uses the MathJAX filter to display standard TeX
syntax (or MathML); users unfamiliar with TeX can us...
This article outlines how U of A instructors can convert exams
contained in MS Word files into quizzes in eClass using the Exam
Digitizer. This custom-built question creation helper tool provides
better functionality than some of the basic quiz question i...
This article describes the QUESTION BANK in eClass and the basic
operations available within it.
* 1 Adding a question to the Question bank from a quiz
* 2 To access a course Question bank and add questions
* 3 Bulk operations in a que...
Calendars can be very useful in your course for displaying assignment
due dates, online quiz availability, synchronous meeting session
times, or any other event you would like to draw students' attention
NEW IN JUNE 2023, a new block has been added ...
The feedback activity allows instructors to have students respond to a
series of questions resembling a quiz. These questions are not
gradable (there is no correct answer possible) and so are best for
gathering feedback, not for assessment.
The differen...
This article describes how instructors can add the YUJA VIDEO
INTEGRATION into their course. This external tool links to the U of
A's enterprise video platform, a full-featured media storage,
streaming, and editing suite. The tool can be added to non-cred...
As an extension of the Groups/Groupings
functionality, the GROUP SIGN-UP BLOCK allows students to create or
join pre-created groups for collaborating in eClass...
To create additional topic areas in your eClass course:
* Turn on EDIT MODE at the top right of your course page.
* Scroll to the bottom of your topic list and click ADD TOPIC.
This article describes how instructors can use Google Jamboard though
the UAlberta google tools suite. Jamboard is a col...
This article describes how instructors can use the ExamVis external
tool to provide students with feedback on their eClass exams. This
tool, developed as a part of a TLEF project headed by Dr. Okan Bulut
from the Faculty of Education, splits exam question...
* 1 H5P from an external URL
* 2 Upload from file
* 3 H5P from content bank
(H5P) activities are interactive learning objects based on a set of
open-source templates that instructors can add into their courses
(the name is an abbreviat...
Working in conjunction with the Library, the eClass team has developed
a customizable block to make it easy for students to access resources.
The block is available on the user's homepage, and instructors can add
it inside their course.
To add the Libra...
Through the normal course content copy procedures, student and
instructor contributions into the database activity are not copied
forward from year to year.
These submissions are considered user data and for that reason
are excluded from the regular rout...
Workshops are a peer-assessment activity in which students can submit
their work to a group and grade their own and each other's
* 1 General
* 2 Grading settings
* 3 Submission settings
* 4 Assessment settings
* 5 Feedb...
Instructors can now generate course syllabi using a custom tool within
their eClass courses. The tool contains a series of entry fields for
the required elements of course syllabi based on GFC policy and
creates an editable, downloadable file that instruc...
This article outlines how YuJa videos can be added through the
standard eClass editor available in most content areas in the system.
* 1 Introduction
* 2 Adding a video to a content area (example)
* 3 Uploading media
* 4 Recording med...
The Completion Progress block in eClass gives students a visual
indication of their progress through a course.
To display completion progress, completion tracking must be enabled in
your course and set up for at least one activity or resource. For more
This article describes best practices for ensuring eClass course
content meets accessibility standards and has been provided by the
Academic Success Centre
As a part of the t...
This article covers how to use the YuJa software capture application
to record audio, video, and screens for upload to your course.
Recordings can be made on personal laptops or desktops and is also
available on the campus classroom podium computers.
The Collapsed Topics with Collapsed Labels course format provides
instructors with an additional mechanism for shortening the length of
their course in eClass. As with all the other available course formats
As an alternative to the standard Forum
activity on eClass, instructors may add an ANONYMOUS FORUM if they
want students to be able to post in forums without b...
Wikis are collaborative tools where you and your students can enter
any type of content regarding any topic that you specify. They are
similar to both the Glossary
The page resource allows you to create a simple web page within your
eClass course that can include text, images, and embedded videos.
Pages offer an alternative to PDF documents when displaying content to
students that are more easily updated and can off...
Non-credit courses are courses that are not tied to a credit section
on Bear Tracks. These can include research/collaboration courses,
content development templates, or resource courses that supplement a
regular credit course. Non-credit courses are also ...
For instructions on creating new badges, enabling a badge, and
awarding it manually, see the article Introduction to Badges
Assigning Ba...
This article lists the current known issues, technical problems, and
workarounds for the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform. Any wider
performance issues with the service will be reported on YuJa's system
status page
This article explains how INSTRUCTORS can add a banner to their course
* 1 Access the "Banner Image Repository" course on eClass
* 2 Upload the image into your course
If you already have a banner image for use, you can skip to s...
This article outlines how instructors can set up individualized
versions of exams for specific students. This is most commonly
required if an instructor needs to facilitate an approved Exam Audio
(AF) accommodation and this article will describe that use ...
Each eClass course is organized into a series of content sections on
the main course page. The heading area of each content section can be
edited with titles that help organize the distinct sections of your
course. Content section titles can only contain ...
There are two major kinds of blogs in eClass:
* Blogs that can be added to course pages
* Personal blogs that are external to eClass but are included in a
course via the HTML editor. These blogs are generally available to all
users at the U of A (or ...
This article describes how instructors can share videos they have
uploaded into YuJa with colleagues inside or outside the U of A. In
most cases, as long as YuJa has been added to a course (as shown in
this article
This article will explain how to set up the word limit feature for
The word limit feature allows professors the option to set a cap on
the number of words students can submit in their assignments.
This article describes how instructors can take videos they have
already uploaded to YouTube and easily embed them in an eClass course.
For an overview of how to upload videos to YouTube, please view this
CTL Webinette [
Instructors can hide activities and resources using 'stealth mode' and
still allow students to access the content. This can be useful as a
course design strategy where an instructor wants to nest content to
provide a clean and compact course home page. An...
Multiple choice questions are just one of a large number of question
types available
in eClass. This type allows you to set the selection of a
This article goes over the Onetopic course format in greater detail.
The Onetopic format now allows instructors to change the font and tab
colours, as well as set up sub-topics to group tabs together.
* Switch to Onetopic forma...
eClass allows instructors to add Essay questions to a quiz. This
question type should also be used for long answer questions.
Note that these questions cannot be automatically marked by the
system, so instructors have to go in and manually grade them aft...
In addition to shuffling questions and multiple-choice
choice orders as academic integrity mechanisms, instructors can
Chats enable real-time conversations between instructors and students
in a text-based environment similar to most instant messaging
platforms but in a simpler fashion. The tool is a great, easy way to
communicate with students at-a-distance.
This article describes how instructors can add H5P activities which
push their scores directly into the gradebook in their courses.
H5P is an interactive HTML5 package that instructors may have
previously created and/or hosted on
In any content area on eClass with editing tools, users can upload
files and create links to them.
Linking to uploads can be done in any area where the HTML content
editor is available such as content section headers, topic headings,
page resources, acti...
Blocks can be added on your main course page or on some activity and
resource sub-pages. If you are using a small display and do not see
any blocks on the right-hand side of your course, the BLOCK DRAWER may
have been closed. You can restore the regular v...
* 1 Calculated
* - Entering Question Text and Answers
* - Setting the Dataset Properties
* - Editing Datasets
* 2 Calculated multichoice
* 3 Calculated simple
For questions involving numeric calculations, the calculated question...
The Lesson activity is a flexible way to add interactive content to
your course. It allows for the range of content to be added with
multiple pages of activities and quiz questions. The Lesson can be
built with a navigation structure with options for adap...
The Question Bank
[] allows
instructors to tag questions as an enhanced means of organization.
Questions can each have multiple tags and can be used to ...
Instructors who inadvertently delete resources or activities from
their eClass course page can now restore them using the new recycle
* Click on MORE from the ...
This article describes how instructors can add Crowdmark assessments
(assignments and exams) to their course. This type of assessment will
transfer a student roster directly from eClass to the Crowdmark
system and allow instructors to set up assessments o...
An instructor may need to adjust scores globally on a quiz by adding
or subtracting points or scaling the scores without having to enter
mass gradebook overrides to student scores.
eClass can do this by any combination of adjusting the 'OFFSET' and/or
This feature allows instructors to use tags to categorize resources
and activities within their course. These tags can be used for any
manner of internal organization schemes for instructor reference
(differing content areas, meeting learning outcomes, ex...
A database is a tool for students and teachers to build a searchable
collection of items within a course.
Databases are set up with a set of customized fields for course
participants to enter data for each item in the collection which can
include file o...
This article describes step-by-step how to upload a video directly to
your course channel and three ways that you can make it available to
your students. In this example, the upload process will automatically
publish the video to your course channel and s...
Tab displays allow you to group, arrange, and organize your content
into tabbed sections within an eClass resource.
* With Edit mode on, click on ADD AN ACTIVITY OR RESOURCE to the
desired topic location and choose TAB ...
The eClass summer upgrade in 2018 introduces a redesigned user
interface as well as a range of feature improvements. This article
contains a number of short videos that highlight the changes.
The full outage announcement and complete list of features ch...
_NEW IN 2023_ The label activity has been replaced with "Text and
media area", which better describes the function of the activity.
These can be added anywhere in your eClass course and are commonly
used as headers to organize content, callouts drawing at...
Instructors concerned about video priva...
A survey is a tool for gathering feedback about your course from your
students, but in eClass, is comprised only of several pre-built
surveys that assess e-Learning:
* Attitudes to Thinking and Learning Survey (ATTLS)
* Critical incidents survey
* ...
Glossaries are tools which allow instructors and students to develop a
list of terms and definitions relevant to their course.
These terms and definitions can be added throughout the term or within
a specified time range. The glossary can be fully open ...
Instructors choosing to incorporate content from 3rd party textbook
publishers in their eClass courses or link their courses directly to
textbook websites need to be aware of the following policies announced
in late 2014.
Instructor Use of Online Homewo...
This article shows how instructors can create video quizzes using YuJa
and then link them into eClass for students to complete to have their
scores entered directly in the eClass gradebook. Note that quiz
grades are all that is passed from YuJa into eClas...
This question type uses a computer algebra system to evaluate student
responses constructed as mathematical expressions. The ability to
provide a range of feedback based on different incorrect answer
pathways make this option very useful for formative ass...
This article will show INSTRUCTORS how to enable STUDENTS to rate or
score forum posts as a collaborative or peer review activity in
eClass. The setup for this function requires that a forum is already
set up on eClass for you to access the required setti...
This article describes how each type of forum works and how they
appear to students. For basic instructions on adding a forum to a
course page, please see Adding forums
Rather than organizing your course using eClass’s default section
naming scheme (_i.e._, by week, when the course format is set to
'Weekly' format or by topic number when the course is set to 'Topics'
format), you can choose your own custom names to appea...
The Yuja platform
includes a basic video editor that runs from your web browser allowing
you to make edits, add titles, and/or combi...
The folder resource enables a teacher to display a number of related
files inside a single link, reducing scrolling on the course page. Any
file uploaded to a folder resource can ONLY BE DOWNLOADED BY STUDENTS,
not viewed online. A zipped folder may be up...
This article will explain how to add a word count to forum posts.
1. First, click on the forum.
2. Next, click on the SETTINGS tab.
3. You will be taken to a new page. Scroll down until you find_
Attachments and word count_ and click it to expand th...
The External tool activity module allows an instructor to set up a
secure link between their eClass course and an external website or
tool, allowing students to interact with learning resources and
activities from systems outside of eClass. The External t...
This article outlines how to customize roles in your course to prevent
certain users from receiving the email messages normally sent by the
Announcements forum or block. The use case would be if you have any
administrative users who require access to cont...
CHOICE is a polling activity in which you can ask students to answer
multiple-choice questions. The results can be published to the whole
class or left private for your own use. Some examples of use:
gathering feedback on your course or a particular lectu...
Adding Twitter Feeds to eClass course pages is a great way to
communicate course updates to students, or even filter tweets directly
concerning particular courses, or education in general using the
hashtag key. Hashtags are words or phrases preceded by a ...
Simple calculated questions are a simpler version of calculated
which are like numerical questions but with the numbers used selec...
This article explains how instructors can upload SCORM activities into
eClass courses. SCORM activities are most often interactive learning
objects authored using an external source which is then saved as ZIP
or XML files for upload into a SCORM activity....
This article describes how to move and re-arrange course items without
dragging and dropping.
* 1 Move a single item
* 2 Move a whole topic
* Go to the main page of your course.
* Click on EDIT MODE on the top ri...
Instructors can add a self-serve tool called SensusAccess into their
eClass course that will provide students with the ability to convert
files posted within the course into a variety of accessible
alternative formats. For more information on this subject...
The book resource is very similar to the page or tab display
resources, except that it allows you to organize it according to
chapters and subchapters. The book resource is good for displaying a
large amount of content in an organized fashion. This can be...
Instructors can now create online reading lists with the library and
link them on their eClass site using the resource "Library Reading
Lists". This will create a comprehensive reading list for a course
and can be organized to show readings by topics or w...
By default, eClass treats glossaries as a collaborative tool that
students have the ability to edit (i.e., students can create new
entries). It is, however, possible to restrict the glossary such
that only course administrators (instructors and teaching ...
At the request of the Faculty of Nursing, the eClass team added a
site-wide block making it easy for instructors to add links to general
U of A policies into their courses. The block can also be configured
to have a section with policies pertaining to the...
NEW IN JUNE 2023, instructors can now add selections of blocks within
a single block on their course pages. Multiblocks are added to courses
using the standard block creation process
As a preventative measure, users are encouraged to PASTE AND MATCH
STYLE (paste without formatting, paste as plain text, etc) so that all
previous formatting and styles are ignored when pasted. If you are
pasting from a formatting-heavy source, doing so w...
In non-credit and training course situations, it may be desirable to
allow students to receive and print a custom certificate upon
completing any requirements set by the course instructor/designer.
Certificates can also be added to credit courses, but it ...
The feedback activity can be used to query your students with
questions that you create. Common uses of the tool are as quick polls
for student preferences, to elicit feedback about your class, or even
to build datasets of demographic information. The too...