This article explains how instructors can add a banner to their course heading.
If you already have a banner image for use, you can skip to step 2 below.
Access the "Banner Image Repository" course on eClass:
1. You can access the "Banner Image Repository" by logging into eClass and clicking Site home:

2. Then, scroll down and find Public Courses - For Faculty and click Banner site:

3. Choose the preferred banner or banners and download them by right-clicking an image and selecting "Save image as." Note the location where your download went (usually your Downloads folder).
Upload the image into your course:
1. To upload the course banner you selected above into your course, first turn on Edit mode at the top right of your page:

2. In the top topic section of your course (or any topic section into which you would like to upload a banner), click on Edit > Edit section:

3. Expand the section menu, centre the cursor in the editor window, and then click the add image icon to search for the location where you saved your banner:

4. In the pop-up, click Browse repositories... to open the file picker and find your banner on your local machine.

5. Click Choose File to select that image, then click Upload this file to add it to the page.

6. Some images will be too wide for your students' screens and will create a scroll bar at the bottom of the screen. Check "Auto size" so that the image will automatically resize to fit on an end user's screen.
7. Click Save image and preview how your banner looks in your course:

7. If you wish to add or remove the "Auto size" option later, as in the first step above, open the section again to edit with the three-dots icon and click the add image button again. Check or uncheck "Auto size" and Save image.