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IST eClass Support
This article outlines best practices and suggestions for delivering
fully remote exams using the eClass quiz activity. Our team also
provides a number of additional supports on campus to assist
instructors as well as specific guidelines for the different ...
During the rapid shift online in March 2020 due to the Covid pandemic,
eClass began assisting instructors moving assessments online by
converting digital files into electronic exams. AS THIS SERVICE WAS
ExamLock is a quiz integrity application developed by the IST eClass
team. The tool can be installed on Mac and Windows computers and
limits students to a quiz interface while an exam is being completed
and will block them from using a number of other app...
Quizzes are excellent ways to assess students' comprehension of course
material. They can provide a secure, automatic way of collecting
students' responses to questions that can be used as activities,
weekly homework assignments, confidential feedback, et...
Smart Exam Monitor (SEM) is a vendor-provided external tool that
allows instructors to remotely proctor online exams. It can be added
as a resource in eClass or Canvas courses.
SEM uses the student's WEBCAM and MICROPHONE to confirm their
identity and th...
Security features for online exams are important to ensure quiz
integrity. eClass offers a range of features that provide varying
levels of security which meet different needs. Most of the features
listed below can be used in combination. In addition to t...
Embedded Answer questions (or CLOZE questions) are a way of designing
multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers that are inserted
within a passage of text. They are useful when you want to have a
single question have multiple sub-parts and when...
This article explains how to add quiz questions to an existing quiz on
eClass. If you have not yet added a quiz, please see Adding Quizzes
* 1...
This article outlines how instructors can set up exam accommodations
for students who are taking fully remote exams. Instructors should
also ensure they are familiar with the ACCOMMODATION GUIDELINES
This article outlines how instructors can use the EXAMLOCK MANAGER to
schedule secure exam sessions for students to complete quizzes.
Instructors will need to configure their quizzes first following the
instructions at Using ExamLock to Promote Quiz Int...
This article outlines how instructors can use ExamLock Manager to
manage existing secure exam sessions and review student activity
during quizzes. Instructors should follow the instructions for Using
ExamLock to Promote Quiz Integrity in eClass
This article lists the current known issues and technical problems in
ExamLock that are already under investigation or have been added to
our product backlog for repairs.
For instructor or student-specific troubleshooting articles, please
refer to either...
The following is a summary of the question types available on eClass
for use in quizzes:
* ALL-OR-NOTHING MULTIPLE CHOICE: Allows the selection of multiple
responses from a pre-defined list of choices but uses all-or-nothing
grading (100% or 0%). For m...
This article discusses some considerations in using eClass to create
and manage large sets of quiz questions. For courses without extensive
question banks, you may instead refer to Adding Questions
The installation file for the Respondus 4.0 quiz authoring tool is
available for faculty and can be downloaded for Windows from the
following url:
You will need to sign i...
When importing questions from the Question Bank there are several
formats that easily transfer into eClass quizzes. One approach is to
write questions using the AIKEN format. The AIKEN format allows you to
create multiple choice or true/false questions u...
This article describes how instructors can use the built-in quiz
statistics available for all selected-response-type questions
(multiple-choice, true/false, matching, etc.) in the eClass quiz tool.
These statistics are not available to review until after ...
For added security while administering remote exams, instructors can
use ExamLock in conjunction with Smart Exam Monitor (SEM). Smart Exam
Monitor records a student's webcam, screen, and audio while
automatically flagging potential academic misconduct; Ex...
NEW IN JUNE 2023, instructors can create attempts for students within
the quiz activity. These attempts would reflect any random answer
ordering or question ordering _SPECIFIC TO THOSE STUDENTS_. Once
created, these attempts can be easily printed, giving ...
This article outlines how U of A instructors can convert exams
contained in MS Word files into quizzes in eClass using the Exam
Digitizer. This custom-built question creation helper tool provides
better functionality than some of the basic quiz question i...
This article describes the QUESTION BANK in eClass and the basic
operations available within it.
* 1 Adding a question to the Question bank from a quiz
* 2 To access a course Question bank and add questions
* 3 Bulk operations in a que...
This article describes how instructors can use the ExamVis external
tool to provide students with feedback on their eClass exams. This
tool, developed as a part of a TLEF project headed by Dr. Okan Bulut
from the Faculty of Education, splits exam question...
This article outlines how instructors can set up individualized
versions of exams for specific students. This is most commonly
required if an instructor needs to facilitate an approved Exam Audio
(AF) accommodation and this article will describe that use ...
Multiple choice questions are just one of a large number of question
types available
in eClass. This type allows you to set the selection of a
eClass allows instructors to add Essay questions to a quiz. This
question type should also be used for long answer questions.
Note that these questions cannot be automatically marked by the
system, so instructors have to go in and manually grade them aft...
In addition to shuffling questions and multiple-choice
choice orders as academic integrity mechanisms, instructors can
* 1 Calculated
* - Entering Question Text and Answers
* - Setting the Dataset Properties
* - Editing Datasets
* 2 Calculated multichoice
* 3 Calculated simple
For questions involving numeric calculations, the calculated question...
The Question Bank
[] allows
instructors to tag questions as an enhanced means of organization.
Questions can each have multiple tags and can be used to ...
An instructor may need to adjust scores globally on a quiz by adding
or subtracting points or scaling the scores without having to enter
mass gradebook overrides to student scores.
eClass can do this by any combination of adjusting the 'OFFSET' and/or
This question type uses a computer algebra system to evaluate student
responses constructed as mathematical expressions. The ability to
provide a range of feedback based on different incorrect answer
pathways make this option very useful for formative ass...
Simple calculated questions are a simpler version of calculated
which are like numerical questions but with the numbers used selec...
Sometimes multiple choice quiz questions will be displayed in
different colours or may have additional line spacing added.
Distracting formatting is commonly caused by pasting content from
coded text such as Microsoft Word or web pages which copy unwante...
A drag and drop question requires the test taker to drag missing words
into a paragraph of text.
* 1 How to create a question
* 1.1 Groups
* 2 Scoring and Feedback
* 3 Accessibility
* 4 Blank response alternatives
This question type allows students to drag words, images or both from
a list and drop them into pre-defined spaces on a base image.
* 1 How to create a question
* 1.1 example 1
* 1.2 example 2
* 4 Scoring and feedback
* 5 Accessib...
This question type allows students to drop markers onto an area on a
background image. Drag and drop markers questions differ from Drag and
drop onto image question type in that there are no predefined areas on
the underlying image that are visible to the...