eClass Support
Distributing Multiple Quiz or Assignment Versions to Students
Last modified on 05 July 2023 03:25 PM

In addition to shuffling questions and multiple-choice choice orders as academic integrity mechanisms, instructors can distribute multiple versions of eClass quizzes or assignments to students.

Once multiple versions of an assignment or quiz have been created, these can be selectively restricted to groups in the course. The example below demonstrates how to create random groups for the different exam versions and set up the access restrictions for each version.


Create random groups:

In this example, students are randomly allocated to groups. It would work equally well to use existing groups in a course, for example, the automatically created groups for different sections within a combined course (eg. LEC B1, LEC B2, etc.)

  1. Click on the Participants tab at the top of your course page:

  2. Click on the Enrolled users dropdown and select  Groups:

  3. Click Auto-create groups:

  4. Choose options to 'Auto-create based on' Number of groups then enter the required number of groups:

  5. In the Grouping settings at the bottom of the settings page, create a 'Grouping name':

  6. Click Submit to display the number of groups specified:


Create your assignments or quizzes:

In this example, the alternate versions of a quiz are already created. It is important to name each version of the assessment clearly to avoid confusion and to organize things correctly in the gradebook:


Set up access restrictions:

1. Click on the 3-dot dropdown menu and select Edit settings to access the quiz or assignment settings

2. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and open the 'Restrict access' category:

3. Restrict access to each item according to the specific group that should have access:

4. Click Add restriction... to set the restriction:

5. If the eye icon was not clicked, your students should see the group restrictions:

Note: After you have completed the setup, verify that your Gradebook setup accurately reflects your requirements (i.e., weightings, etc).

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