Drag and drop onto image question type
Last modified on 26 June 2023 12:12 PM
This question type allows students to drag words, images or both from a list and drop them into pre-defined spaces on a base image. Contents:
In this example, the student must put the stages in order. In the Preview section, a basic image of steps is uploaded. In the Draggable items section, the 'type' chosen is 'draggable text' and text for each stage is added. (Groups and the Unlimited setting are not used in this example) In the Drop zones section, items from the previously added options are chosen from the drop down: The text then appears below the image: The text boxes are dragged to their correct positions on the image (steps on the staircase) This will then add the co-ordinates to the Dropzones section automatically: Once other settings are completed (see below) and the question is saved, test takers must drag the stages to the correct step: Participants must add the correct country flag and capital city onto a map of Europe. This question has both images and text while making use of the Groups feature. In the Preview section, a basic map of Europe is uploaded. In the Draggable items section, the capital cities are added as the type 'draggable text' and the flags are added as the type "draggable image". All draggable images (the flags) are in Group 1 and all draggable text items (the capital cities) are in Group 2. In the Drop zones section, an item from the previously added options is chosen from the drop down. The Group 1 boxes will display in a different colour from the Group 2 boxes. When the boxes are dragged to their appropriate places on the background image, the coordinates in the Drop zones section are updated automatically. Once other settings are completed and the question is saved (see below): All gaps are weighted identically. Only drop zones that are filled correctly gain marks. There is no negative marking of drop zones that are filled incorrectly. Advanced Scoring and feedback Whether or not Combined feedback is shown to students is governed by the Specific feedback setting on the quiz settings form. Penalty for each incorrect try: The available mark is reduced by the penalty for second and subsequent tries. In the example above a correct answer at the second try will score 0.6666667 of the available marks and a correct answer at the third try will score 0.3333334 of the available marks. If the question is used in 'interactive with multiple tries' behaviour the marking is modified as follows:
Hint: You can complete as many of these boxes as you wish. If you wish to give the student three tries at a question you will need to provide two hints. At runtime when the hints are exhausted the question will finish and the student will be given the general feedback and the question score will be calculated. Clear incorrect responses: When ‘Try again’ is clicked incorrect choices are cleared. Show the number of correct responses: Include in the feedback a statement of how many choices are correct. Drag and drop questions are keyboard accessible. Use the <tab> key to move between the drop zones and the <space> key to cycle around the possible choices for each drop zone. Note: This question type is not accessible to users who are visually impaired. | |