eClass Support
Question Tagging
Last modified on 05 July 2023 03:24 PM

The Question Bank allows instructors to tag questions as an enhanced means of organization. Questions can each have multiple tags and can be used to filter the question bank to view to tagged questions across categories. It is also possible to use tags to construct quizzes when pulling questions or adding random questions that match a tag or set of tags. 


Adding Tags to Questions

The first method to add tags is when editing an existing or creating a new question:

  1. Either create a new or edit an existing question.
  2. At the bottom of the question properties, expand the 'Tags' section.
    The tag section when creating a question
  3. You can assign an existing tag by typing in the search box, or you can type and create a new tag followed by Enter/Return on your keyboard or by clicking away. You may also click on tags that appear in the suggestion box. Assigned tags will be shown above the search box. You may also remove them by clicking on the tag's X mark.
    searching/adding tags
  4. Save to add the tag.


Quick Tagging Questions

Alternatively, if you already have numerous questions in your question bank, you can quickly tag them by clicking on the Edit dropdown in a question's row and selecting Manage tags:

manage tags from question bank

This will open a tagging overlay using the same mechanism as above:


Filtering a Question Bank Using Tags

At the top of the question bank, once at least one question has been tagged, a new 'Filter by tags' dropdown will appear: 

Opening the dropdown will display all the tags used in the questions bank and is searchable. Once a tag is added in the filter, it will appear in blue above the field and the question bank will only show the questions containing the specific tag(s):

tag is applied to search


Using Tagged Questions in Quiz Construction

When adding questions from your question bank or adding random questions, similar filters appear to allow only specific tagged questions to appear in the 'From Question Bank' or 'Add a random question' overlays:

filter when adding to quiz

using tags to add random questions

If using random questions that are tagged, the applied tags will be displayed in the quiz editing view:

List of random questions filtered by tag

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