Onetopic Course Format Features
Last modified on 05 July 2023 04:07 PM
This article goes over the Onetopic course format in greater detail. The Onetopic format now allows instructors to change the font and tab colours, as well as set up sub-topics to group tabs together.
Customizing Tab Colours
- Switch to Onetopic format from the course settings. The settings can be accessed as shown in this guide.
- From your course main-page, click on Edit Mode near the top right corner:

- Click on the 3 dots and then on Edit section for the section you would like to edit:

- The settings can be seen below:

- "Level": This setting allows you to place the current tab at a level below the previous tab. This allows for the creation of sub-sections, for example.
- "Text of the first tab in sublevel": This setting allows you to specify the name of the first sub-section in a set of sections.
- "Font color": This setting allows you to specify the colour of the text for a given tab. The colour can be specified by common colour keywords (eg. Red, Green, Blue), by the RGB code (eg. reg(0, 255, 0)), or with a hexadecimal code representing the colour (eg. #ff033d). You can find more hexadecimal colour codes here.
- "Background colour": This setting allows you to specify the colour of the background for a given tab. The colour can be specified by common colour keywords (eg. Red, Green, Blue), by the RGB code (eg. reg(0, 255, 0)), or with a hexadecimal code representing the colour (eg. #ff033d). You can find more hexadecimal colour codes here.
- "CSS properties": This setting allows you change some CSS properties for the text (eg. font-weight: bold;).
- Here is an example of tab colours and sub-sections in use:

Note: Formatting is not retained when switching from Onetopic to another format, and then back to Onetopic.
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