eClass Support
Annotating Assignment Submissions
Last modified on 22 June 2023 12:59 PM

Instructors can annotate student submissions directly online without needing to download them. This grading mechanism can be used in conjunction with any or all of the other options for providing feedback on assignments. This tool supports common submission formats including .pdf, .docx, and .odt. Online text submissions can also be annotated. Annotated files are returned to students in .pdf form. To use this feature:

  • Click on the Assignment on your course page
  • Click on View all submissions
  • Click on the Grade button
  • At the bottom right of the page, adjust the view so that you can see the student's submission.

  • These buttons will display different views of a PDF of the student's submission and a series of annotation tools along the top to provide text, graphical, and icon feedback directly onto the PDF. These tools do not have any customization options. Instructors can use the 2 icons to rotate student submissions that are uploaded in the wrong orientation.

  • Once finished annotating and grading a student's submission, Save changes at the bottom of the page.
  • Once saved, students can view your annotated PDF through their assignment submission page and can download or view it online.

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