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Knowledgebase : Online Assessment > Online Assessment in eClass
The eClass GRADEBOOK_ _allows you to manage and organize a collection
of grades in eClass. Items that have been assessed using an eClass
activity will be automatically added to the gradebook. For example, if
you add an Assignment activity to receive stude...
During the rapid shift online in March 2020 due to the Covid pandemic,
eClass began assisting instructors moving assessments online by
converting digital files into electronic exams. AS THIS SERVICE WAS
ExamLock is a University of Alberta application that instructors may
use to promote academic integrity during eClass exams. The tool is
available in IST managed computer labs and IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD
ExamLock is a quiz integrity application developed by the IST eClass
team. The tool can be installed on Mac and Windows computers and
limits students to a quiz interface while an exam is being completed
and will block them from using a number of other app...
[] will
work only after it is granted all the permissions it needs when
installing on macOS Catalina and later ve...
You can use eClass to prepare a spreadsheet that can be imported
directly into Bear Tracks as a part of the electronic grade submission
process. To use this capability, you must be the instructor or TA of a
credit section on eClass.
To perform a Bear Tra...
eClass has several options for calculating the course total for your
students. These options are specified through your gradebook
AGGREGATION METHOD and allow you to give items different weights in
the overall course total. If your course requires extreme...
Embedded Answer questions (or CLOZE questions) are a way of designing
multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers that are inserted
within a passage of text. They are useful when you want to have a
single question have multiple sub-parts and when...
If your students have completed an offline activity (such as a midterm
or final examination) and their grades have been published or recorded
in a spreadsheet, it is possible to import these grades into eClass to
publish them to students.
Once uploaded, ...
In eClass, there are two ways in which an Instructor or TA can assign
grades and feedback to a student’s assignment submission:
* through the Assignment itself via the 'View all submissions' table
or online 'Grade' area or
* through the gradebook 'Gr...
If you choose to set or display letter grades in eClass, it is
important to review the default grade boundaries to ensure that the
system assigns the appropriate letter grade for each range of marks
that you assign. Letter grades are also THE REQUIRED OUT...
Although most question types will be graded automatically, some work
may need to be done to GRADE ESSAY QUESTIONS
or repair issue with questions and...
For students who require special conditions for taking a quiz or
submitting an assignment, instructors can create a user or group
override that changes the settings only for those particular users.
Overrides can be useful in cases where students need a b...
This article outlines how instructors can set up exam accommodations
for students who are taking fully remote exams. Instructors should
also ensure they are familiar with the ACCOMMODATION GUIDELINES
This article outlines how instructors can use the EXAMLOCK MANAGER to
schedule secure exam sessions for students to complete quizzes.
Instructors will need to configure their quizzes first following the
instructions at Using ExamLock to Promote Quiz Int...
This article outlines how instructors can use ExamLock Manager to
manage existing secure exam sessions and review student activity
during quizzes. Instructors should follow the instructions for Using
ExamLock to Promote Quiz Integrity in eClass
When grading assignments in eClass, there are a number of mechanisms
for releasing the grades to students. By default, as soon as any
grades or feedback are entered by instructors or TAs, these are made
available to students. NOTE: this occurs regardless ...
This article lists the current known issues and technical problems in
ExamLock that are already under investigation or have been added to
our product backlog for repairs.
For instructor or student-specific troubleshooting articles, please
refer to either...
You are able to assign letter grades to specific assignments or
activities in eClass using the Improved Letter Grade Scale. YOU SHOULD
Rubrics are advanced grading forms used for criteria-based assessment
and are most commonly used within the assignment activity. Rubrics
allow for ease and consistency in grading and allow for grade
transparency with students.
* 1 Adding a ...
ExamLock is a University of Alberta application that instructors may
use to promote academic integrity during eClass exams. The tool is
available in IST managed computer labs but may also be used by
students on their own laptops.
The assignment tool has a wide range of configuration options that
make it a powerful tool for assessing students. It can be especially
useful in large course sections where there are several options
available to streamline working with a high number of s...
All quiz question types (except for ‘Essay’) are graded
automatically by eClass after the student has submitted their quiz
It is a recommended practice to review short answer questions in case
credit should be provided for acceptable but non-mat...
If your students are having difficulty accessing their grades, it may
be one of the following issues:
* 1 The Gradebook is hidden from students
* 2 The Course Total Grade is hidden from students gradebook
* 3 The missing grade item...
This article will cover common issues affecting ExamLock attempts and
their respective workarounds or resolutions.
* Advise students to relaunch the ExamLock application and re-enter
the same session co...
Instructors experiencing issues while attempting to upload CSV files
into the eClass gradebook can try the following troubleshooting steps:
* 1 User Mapping Error
* 2 Writing to Database Error
* 3 Multiple users found with email address...
The eClass Gradebook does not directly allow the import of textual
information into standard gradebook columns.
This article describes the workaround of importing the text into the
_Feedback_ location for a column. Common uses for this would be to
The Grades tool in eClass offers options to format the display of your
gradebook to students and to control which grades are visible to
PLEASE NOTE that some activities are graded automatically, e.g.,
Assignments and Quizzes. If an automaticall...
There are a number of ways to use only letter grades in eClass
courses. This article will recommend best practices and provide
examples for some specific use cases. Because letter grading is a
complicated area, users can also contact eClass support at
* 1 Overridden grades
* 2 Restore a grade for individual student
* 3 Restore grade for a whole grade column
When cells in the ECLASS GRADER REPORT change to orange, it indicates
that grades have been overridden. This ...
This article describes how instructors can use the built-in quiz
statistics available for all selected-response-type questions
(multiple-choice, true/false, matching, etc.) in the eClass quiz tool.
These statistics are not available to review until after ...
If you wish to have your students submit their work in groups, the
relevant settings are available in the GROUP SUBMISSION SETTINGS area
(and not in the COMMON MODULE SETTINGS area where most group and
groupings setup is done in eClass).
* If you want ...
For added security while administering remote exams, instructors can
use ExamLock in conjunction with Smart Exam Monitor (SEM). Smart Exam
Monitor records a student's webcam, screen, and audio while
automatically flagging potential academic misconduct; Ex...
Ratings can be useful for instructors who wish to track or grade forum
posts, glossary entries, and database entries and link them directly
to the course gradebook. They can also be used as a collaborative
activity by allowing students to rate each other'...
The TSQS optical scoring data provided by IST may include a number of
columns in addition to the raw score including the students' wrong
answers and their actual responses.
eClass Moodle will only allow instructors to import one column as the
'Comments' ...
Gradebook categories are useful for organizing and grouping multiple
course assessment items by type. For example, if the course contains
a midterm worth 30%, three lab assignments worth 30% overall and a
final exam worth 40%, creating a category for the...
Instructors have several options for formatting the display of grades
to students in eClass. Grade display can be set at either the course
level (_i.e_., for all grades in the course) or on individual grade
* 1 Setting the grade disp...
Instructors can now add H5P interactive activities directly to their
eClass courses.
H5P ( ) activities are interactive learning objects based on a range
of open-source templates that can now be used as gradable activities
Whenever you add an automatic grade item such as a Quiz or Assignment
Activity to your course and specify a grade in its settings, a grade
column will appear in the gradebook.
This article will explain how to manually add a grade item that is not
tied to...
Once a grade has been edited/overridden in the Grader report, eClass
prevents instructors from changing grades from within the related
If you have entered a grade override for an assignment via the grader
report (as opposed to providing grades ...
Marking guides are one of the advanced grading methods available in
the eClass assignment activity. Similar to rubrics, they allow you to
set up a number of marking criteria for the assignment. But instead of
selecting from fixed scoring levels on each cr...
If you have set up groups in your course, you might want to enable the
option to filter different course administration pages by those
groups. The most common use case for doing this is in the gradebook
but this also works for the participants page, list ...
Instructors can grade students on the entirety of their posts in a
forum by setting up whole forum grading in the forum. When activated,
whole forum grading allows for an instructor to view students' history
of posts on a forum, and mark it via a numerica...
There are multiple methods that allow an instructor to grade forum
One option is whole forum grading, where instructors can see all of
their course participant's posts within a forum and give it a grade
that is reflected in the gradebook, be it ba...
In the gradebook, you can toggle the display between showing all
grades and totals, total only, and grades only.
To toggle between displays, click the plus-sign, minus-sign or box
icon beside the course or category names. Clicking each icon will
change t...
Instructors can annotate student submissions directly online without
needing to download them. This grading mechanism can be used in
conjunction with any or all of the other options for providing
feedback on assignments. This tool supports common submissi...
If you have downloaded all the student submissions from an assignment
using the bulk download procedure
after you have graded the documen...
If an eClass assignment has been set up to receive file submissions,
instructors can either grade files online (using either the inline
marking tools, the assignments grading table)
Certain access restrictions can prevent grades from being visible to
students even if their grades have been released to students. These
restrictions can include
* when an access restriction has been applied in an activity's
settings and hidden from st...
Anonymous submissions, or blind marking, allow instructors to mark
assignments without knowing which student they are marking. Anonymous
submissions are a practical way to ensure that personal biases have a
minimal impact on students' grades.
Instructors and course coordinators who enable the 'Marking workflow'
for opens up the option to assign specific grading tasks to any of the
other the graders in the course (including themselves).
* 1 Assigning Markers to grade assignment...
There are a number of additional columns and settings which can be
used to modify WHAT STUDENTS SEE when they look at their grades. The
student view of the grade book can be viewed under USER REPORT in the
* 1 To access the User ...
In addition to shuffling questions and multiple-choice
choice orders as academic integrity mechanisms, instructors can
This article describes how instructors can export Credit and
Non-credit grades from eClass in a format that can be uploaded
directly into Bear Tracks and displayed in their course. The process
replaces the course letter grade boundaries with custom entrie...
This article describes how to make edits to existing manual grade
items, specifically the required option to specify whether to rescale
existing grades when editing the maximum grade for an item after
grades for students have already been entered.
This ...
__By default, eClass has some grading scales already available for use
in student grading. These include the standard numeric scales (can be
out of any number of points, up to 100, with 1 point intervals), and
several others such as ‘Quarter points (10 to...
Some aggregation methods in the eClass gradebook allow instructors to
give bonus marks for certain grade items. The aggregation methods that
allow this are _Simple weighted mean of grades _and _Natural_. These
two aggregations can be used to replicate mos...
This article describes how instructors can display the Bear Tracks
grade codes for Credit, No credit, and Incomplete (CR, NC, and IN) to
students in their gradebook. This process uses a custom scale on a
grade item to allow these grade codes to be display...
An instructor may need to adjust scores globally on a quiz by adding
or subtracting points or scaling the scores without having to enter
mass gradebook overrides to student scores.
eClass can do this by any combination of adjusting the 'OFFSET' and/or
An effective way of preventing students from accessing course material
during exams is disabling access to your course by changing the course
availability on eClass. You may want to preemptively notify your
students of the course closure as some students ...
In large courses where multiple TAs mark a single assignment, it can
be useful to see a per-grader average to compare how different graders
have graded students. This article will walk through setting up a
course to view per-grader averages and suggest a ...
In the eClass gradebook, as an alternative to using the built-in
mechanisms to calculate a course total
instructors can use formulas to compute...
This article will explain how to re-use an existing rubric that you
have already created in one eClass assignment for grading a different
First, we will need to create a template from an already existing
rubric. If you do not have a rubric, p...