If your students are having difficulty accessing their grades, it may
be one of the following issues:
* 1 The Gradebook is hidden from students
* 2 The Course Total Grade is hidden from students gradebook
* 3 The missing grade item...
* 1 Overridden grades
* 2 Restore a grade for individual student
* 3 Restore grade for a whole grade column
When cells in the ECLASS GRADER REPORT change to orange, it indicates
that grades have been overridden. This ...
The Grades tool in eClass offers options to format the display of your
gradebook to students and to control which grades are visible to
PLEASE NOTE that some activities are graded automatically, e.g.,
Assignments and Quizzes. If an automaticall...
There are a number of ways to use only letter grades in eClass
courses. This article will recommend best practices and provide
examples for some specific use cases. Because letter grading is a
complicated area, users can also contact eClass support at
Instructors have several options for formatting the display of grades
to students in eClass. Grade display can be set at either the course
level (_i.e_., for all grades in the course) or on individual grade
* 1 Setting the grade disp...
In the gradebook, you can toggle the display between showing all
grades and totals, total only, and grades only.
To toggle between displays, click the plus-sign, minus-sign or box
icon beside the course or category names. Clicking each icon will
change t...
There are a number of additional columns and settings which can be
used to modify WHAT STUDENTS SEE when they look at their grades. The
student view of the grade book can be viewed under USER REPORT in the
* 1 To access the User ...
This article describes how instructors can display the Bear Tracks
grade codes for Credit, No credit, and Incomplete (CR, NC, and IN) to
students in their gradebook. This process uses a custom scale on a
grade item to allow these grade codes to be display...