If your students are having difficulty accessing their grades, it may
be one of the following issues:
* 1 The Gradebook is hidden from students
* 2 The Course Total Grade is hidden from students gradebook
* 3 The missing grade item...
Instructors experiencing issues while attempting to upload CSV files
into the eClass gradebook can try the following troubleshooting steps:
* 1 User Mapping Error
* 2 Writing to Database Error
* 3 Multiple users found with email address...
* 1 Overridden grades
* 2 Restore a grade for individual student
* 3 Restore grade for a whole grade column
When cells in the ECLASS GRADER REPORT change to orange, it indicates
that grades have been overridden. This ...
In the gradebook, you can toggle the display between showing all
grades and totals, total only, and grades only.
To toggle between displays, click the plus-sign, minus-sign or box
icon beside the course or category names. Clicking each icon will
change t...
Certain access restrictions can prevent grades from being visible to
students even if their grades have been released to students. These
restrictions can include
* when an access restriction has been applied in an activity's
settings and hidden from st...