eClass Support
Restricting Access to Content for Specific Groups
Last modified on 15 June 2023 04:16 PM

Instructors will often combine several of their course sections so that general course content only needs to be posted in one place. However, there may still be other content (assignments, quizzes, etc) that are specific to each section (lecture, lab, seminar, group, etc). This article will illustrate a simple example of what a course would look like with such restrictions in place.

As an instructor, you would use restrictions so that your sections (lecture, lab, seminar, groups, etc) can see their respective course content.

  • This course has two groups (Group A and Group B)
  • There are two versions of the syllabus in this course for their respective groups
  • With the restrictions set, users from Group A will see the Group A tabs while Group B can only see theirs.


As a reminder, these restrictions can be implemented the same way for other types of course content (assignments, quizzes, etc.).


Related articles:

Setting up groups

Restricting Access to An Activity or Resource


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