eClass Quick Links
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IST eClass Support
It is now possible to generate visual reports that analyze student
activity in your course. Instructors have the option to choose from a
number of configurable reports that can help them see patterns of
student access, engagement, and performance. The new...
In all regular Bear Tracks section on eClass, students are
automatically enrolled by the IST eClass Support team as a part of the
automated course creation system. For each section that gets
requested, a cohort gets created on eClass that contains all the...
If you are enrolled as an instructor in an eClass course, you can
follow the instructions below to add colleagues into your course in
any of the different roles available: Designer, TA, Additional
Instructor, Non-Editing TA (Graders), and/or Auditor role....
When you combine multiple course sections in a single eClass course,
students are automatically assigned to groups based on the course
sections they registered in when registering for your course (LEC,
LAB, SEM, etc.).
You can also create additional grou...
Security features for online exams are important to ensure quiz
integrity. eClass offers a range of features that provide varying
levels of security which meet different needs. Most of the features
listed below can be used in combination. In addition to t...
There are two main methods for communicating with your students
is the RECOMMENDED PROCESS and is added by default to the top of each
NEW IN SUMMER 2023: instructors can now als...
In some cases, you may wish to set conditions which limit whether a
student can access a resource, activity, or an entire topic or section
based on any of number of different criteria, including time range,
grade range achieved on previous activity, user ...
A grouping in eClass is a set of groups.
If you are creating different groups for different assignments and
activities, all groups will be assigned to all assignments and
activities all the time without GROUPINGS, and students would need to
submit on be...
This article describes how instructors can add the new Approved
Student Accommodations Dashboard external tool to their courses. This
tool provides a convenient listing of any students who are approved
for academic accommodations for a particular course i...
The recommended process for communicating with the students in your
eClass course is to use the ANNOUNCEMENTS forum, which is
automatically created in every eClass course. If you do not see this
in your course, please consult the article Missing the Cours...
eClass has a wide range of roles available to allow different users
different sets of capabilities in courses. If you have any questions
about the different roles and capabilities, please contact IST
eClass Support.
* 1 Basic Roles
* 2 No...
If you know that you will lose access to an eClass course and wish to
retain the content from the course, you have several options depending
on the type of content and your role in the course. This article
describes the various options for copying content...
This article outlines how instructors can set up courses so that
students can track the completion of items in their course. Items can
be marked manually as completed by the students or be flagged
automatically as completed based on the conditions set by ...
The assignment tool has a wide range of configuration options that
make it a powerful tool for assessing students. It can be especially
useful in large course sections where there are several options
available to streamline working with a high number of s...
This article describes using the Group Sign-up to join pre-existing
groups and when students will create their own groups. This is an
optional tool that your instructor may enable assigning students to
groups for projects or assignments,
For many courses...
The ANNOUNCEMENTS forum is the best, and recommended, tool to
communicate with your students in eClass. By default, all students
will receive email messages forwarded from the ANNOUNCEMENTS forum
every time you post to it. Using this tool also keeps a per...
* 1 Introduction
* 2 Allow any U of A CCID users to access your course as a guest
* 3 Allow guest users from outside the U of A community
* 4 Guest access to eClass External Courses
eClass allows two different levels of guest access t...
eClass instructors can enable the Self-enrollment method in their
course if they want to allow users to enroll themselves by accessing
the URL to the course and clicking a link for self-enrollment.
The eClass mobile app, currently in a public beta release, offers
faculty, students, and staff easy access to eClass course
content. The app is available for download here.
If you have been teaching in eClass for a number of years or are an
administrator involved in numerous courses per term, you may wish to
remove courses from your Course Overview list. You can now accomplish
this easily through the self-serve archiving pro...
The GROUP PEER ASSESSMENT activity allows students to provide scores
and ratings to the other members of their assigned groups in eClass.
This tool can be used to monitor team progress, peer assess group work
output, or deliver feedback on team project pa...
_ _
* 1 Accessing the Participants List
* 2 Student-view of the Participants List
* 3 Filtering the Participants List
* 4 Showing All Participants
* 5 Selecting Participants
* 6 Downloading Data
* 7 Adding Additional ...
* 1 Conditional release based on activity completion
* 2 Restricting access
* 3 Restriction Sets
In order to conditionally release a resource or activity in your
course based on the com...
If you have set up groups in your course, you might want to enable the
option to filter different course administration pages by those
groups. The most common use case for doing this is in the gradebook
but this also works for the participants page, list ...
When the lifecycle of a forum
topic has reached its natural conclusion or if instructors wish to
prevent students from making any more posts in it, forum topic...
There are multiple methods that allow an instructor to grade forum
One option is whole forum grading, where instructors can see all of
their course participant's posts within a forum and give it a grade
that is reflected in the gradebook, be it ba...
* 1 Getting started
* 2 Types of Reports:
* 3 Running a basic Log Report
* 4 Running a Statistics Report
* 5 Running an Activity completion Report
* 6 Running a Course completion Report:
* 7 Running a Learning Analytics Report
The user enroll search feature is kind of quirky in eClass Moodle;
Therefore, the surest way to _CONFIRM THAT A USER IS THE CORRECT
searches return on either the full name, CCID, or email add...
By default, eClass is configured to allow instructors of credit
sections to enroll TAs or additional instructors in their courses. To
add users, follow the instructions in the article Adding additional
users to my eClass course
eClass keeps logs of activity by every user at a variety of contexts,
and these logs are available to Instructors, TAs, and Category
Administrators at any point to gain insight into activities inside of
a course. The following steps will walk you through ...
The Forum Posts by User advanced usage report produces a detailed view
of student participation in forums in your course. The report can be
configured to include any number of students in your course and can be
filtered to only show specific forums (for m...
While eClass quizzes are usually designed to be delivered online, it
may be useful to print out paper copies in some scenarios.
NEW IN JUNE 2023, eClass now has functionality to CREATE QUIZ ATTEMPTS
_ _
* 1 Student List by Criteria Report
* 2 Adding Conditions
* 3 Results Table
This article features advanced features to filter students by criteria
when using the Advanced Usage reports in eClass. For basic information
on the us...
This article will explain how to change the role of a user who is
already enrolled in your course. For instructions on how to enroll
someone, see the article Adding Additional Users to my eClass Course
This article describes how instructors can use the Feedback activity
to deliver questions to students. Please see Adding Feedback
to co...
This article will explain how to block students from viewing the
participant list in your course. This list is normally available to
all students by default in every eClass course. The same general
instructions can be used to customize a range of permissi...
The reports in the ADVANCED USAGE
plugin include a number of common elements to ease querying class
data. These features...
This article describes how instructors can use the management tools on
the PARTICIPANTS page in their course to change group enrollments,
modify enrollment durations, and unenroll users from a course.
* 1 View and manage the users
* 2 Add...
To get the most out of the ADVANCED USAGE REPORT plugin
for your course, it’s helpful to know a bit more about how eClass
logs ...
By default, only instructors have permission to access the Advanced
Usage reports in eClass courses. But if an instructor chooses to do
so, they have the option of changing the default permissions so
students could view their OWN usage data for a course. ...
The ENGAGEMENT OVER TIME ADVANCED USAGE report will display student
access counts to content in your course across the range of time
specified. The report can be filtered by students (or groups) and by
specific pieces of content to identify usage patterns...
The Advanced Usage report suite can be configured to send instructors
a weekly report based on the criteria they specify. A weekly criteria
report follows the same process as searching for student based on
The CONTENT ENGAGEMENT REPORT can be used to view student access to
content in your course. The figure below shows an example of such a
report filtered over a range of time (for more information on basic
filtering see Common Features of Advanced Usage Rep...
The FORUM ENGAGEMENT REPORT can be used to view counts of student
access to forums in your course. The figure below shows an example of
such a report with no basic filters applied (for more information on
basic filtering see Common Features of Advanced Us...
This article describes how instructors can use the ADVANCED USAGE
report plugin to discover how specific students are interacting with
their eClass course. The example below shows the results from a
completed course but the same lessons can be applied to ...
NEW IN JUNE 2023, eClass instructors can utilize a core Moodle
function to export student details along with their respective group
information. (This functionality was previously offered through the
use of a custom-built external tool.) The export genera...
The FORUM ENGAGEMENT OVER TIME advanced usage report will display
student access counts for forums in your course across the range of
time specified. The report can be filtered by students (or groups) and
by specific pieces of content to identify usage pa...
\The ADVANCED USAGE reports in eClass can be useful to assess student
performance and provide tools to contact students who may need
assistance. You can add a report by clicking on the Reports tab at the
top of your main course landing page. Then click on...
on eClass, it is possible to create and import groups from a
spreadsheet (CSV). This tool can be used only for importi...
* 1 Adding the Advanced Usage Report plugin
* 2 Questions for consideration
* 3 Digging Deeper into Patterns of Content Usage
* 4 More Questions for consideration
The Advanced Usage report ...
eClass users can back up the content of entire courses or selected
content items from within courses. This process can retain backup
files from courses that can be transferred to other LMSs or kept as
archives. It is also possible to use this process to a...
Instructors may use the built-in tool within FORUM activities that
allows them to look up a report of student activity.
* Go to the _Forum_
* Click on the _Reports_ tab at the top of that page
* This will take you...
Instructors will often combine several of their course sections so
that general course content only needs to be posted in one place.
However, there may still be other content (assignments, quizzes, etc)
that are specific to each section (lecture, lab, sem...
* 1 Inputs
* 2 Outputs
* 3 Additional Settings
This article describes how instructors can link the Group Sign-Up
block to a feedback activity to have students fill in a questionnaire
about themselves to aid in the formation of projec...
The TIMELINE is a new block that's been added to the eClass dashboard
in the summer 2023 upgrade. It gives students and instructors a
heads-up for upcoming due dates and cutoff dates:
By default, it will only show dates for quizzes and assignments, but