eClass Support
Completion Tracking
Last modified on 05 July 2023 03:31 PM

This article outlines how instructors can set up courses so that students can track the completion of items in their course. Items can be marked manually as completed by the students or be flagged automatically as completed based on the conditions set by the instructor.

After Completion Tracking is enabled, it can be used as additional criteria to restrict access to activities. e.g., requiring students to complete an assignment before they can attempt a quiz.

Completion tracking can also be used to mark the completion of an entire course, though this is typically only used for non-credit courses such as accreditation courses, placement tests, or professional development purposes.

Completion tracking criteria information and statuses are now displayed directly in course pages for better student awareness and increased visibility into progress through a course.


Enabling Completion Tracking:

  1. Click the Settings at the top of your course page:

  2. Scroll down to the "Completion tracking" section, toggle the dropdown to Yes,,and save the updated setting when complete. Instructors can choose not to show in-page details about activity completion.

    enable completing tracking

  3. All activities and resources will display an 'Activity completion' category.

Setting Completion Tracking for individual activities or resources:

  1. Click to turn on Edit mode at the top right of your course page, then click on the 3dot dropdown and click Edit settings to the right of any activity or resource.

  2. Near the bottom of the list of settings, under 'Activity completion,' specify the requirements for Completion tracking:
    • "Do not indicate activity completion" (default) - Completion tracking is disabled.
    • "Students can manually mark the activity as completed" - gives students a Mark as Done button (See top of article) next to the activity or resource.
    • "Show activity as complete when conditions are met" - automatically marks the activity as complete based on set criteria.

      Choosing 'Show activity as complete when conditions are met' will grant you access to the expanded settings where the student must meet all the specified criteria to complete the activity:
      • 'Student must view this activity to complete it'
      • 'Student must receive a grade to complete this activity'
      • 'Require passing grade' - (Quizzes only)
        • A value must also be provided in the 'Grade to pass' field under the Grade section of the quiz settings.
      • 'Require posts' - (Forums only)
      • 'Require discussions' - (Forums only)
      • 'Require replies' - (Forums only)
      • - (Assignments only)

  3. 'Expect completed on' - Specifies the date when the activity is expected to be completed. This date is not shown to students and is only displayed in the activity completion report for your reference.

Managing defaults and making bulk updates:

To set default activity completion modes for different activities and resource types within courses, and to make bulk changes to the existing activity completion settings for all the activities/resources in your course, see the Course completion settings section below for how to access the expanded features which appear as a dropdown under Course completion:

  • The 'Default activity completion' tab allows you to set the default activity completion for each of the different types of activities and resources in the course. You can make changes to single types or switch the settings for multiple types at once:

  • Click edit to change the Default activity completion settings:

  • The 'Bulk edit activity completion' tab lists all the existing activities and resources in your course and allows you to select one or more to change the settings for (the editing interface is the same as if you were editing by type as shown above):

Managing completion statuses:

  1. Click on Reports at the top of your course page and then Activity completion.

  2. This page shows a table of your students and the activities and resources with completion tracking enabled. Dashed boxes indicate completion based on criteria; solid boxes indicate that students can mark completion manually.
    Below the table are options for exporting the data to a file.
    Clicking a box allows you to manually override a completion status for students.

Setting up Course Completion:

This setting will allow your course to be flagged as "complete" in eClass. Completion settings must be enabled as above. This is not typically used for regular credit courses as it is officially managed by an instructor through Bear Tracks. Non-credit courses may use this feature to deliver sequences of courses together (where completion of a final course is tied to completion of the other courses). To set this up:

  1. Go to Course completion from the gear icon on your course dashboard.

  2. Under General, in the 'Course completion' tab, click on the Completion requirements dropdown menu and choose one of the aggregation options.

    All or any conditions

  3. Specify the completion criteria:
    • "Activity completion" - Tie course completion to the completion of any activity or resource within the course.
    • "Completion of other courses" - Tie course completion in the current course to completion of other courses.
    • "Date" - Set a cut-off date in which the course will be declared complete or incomplete.
    • "Enrollment duration" - Choose the number of days after enrollment when the course will be declared as complete or incomplete.
    • "Unenrollment" - Declare the course as completed once the student is unenrolled.
    • "Course Grade" - Set a specific grade in the course that must be achieved to count it complete.
    • "Manual self-completion" - Allows students to mark their own course as complete (Note: Self-completion block must be added).
    • "Manual completion by others" - Allows users with specific roles to mark the course as complete. Add a checkmark next to the corresponding roles. You may also choose whether all or any of the selected roles need to mark the activity as completed.

  4. Save the changes when complete.

  5. 'Course completion' will appear as 'Activity completion' under the Reports tab at the top of your course page.

  6. Activity completion provides a list of all students who have met the course completion criteria:

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