Student Accommodations in Canvas Quizzes
Last modified on 05 December 2024 04:05 PM
For students who require additional time or attempts in Canvas quizzes, there are several options depending on whether they are attempting a Classic or a New quiz. Basic InformationIn both Classic and New quizzes, you can moderate a quiz by adding time or attempts for an individual student. The moderation applies only to that quiz and the selected student(s). You can also add an accommodation to New quizzes, which will modify time accommodations in all quizzes in the course for an individual student. Notes:
Moderating a New QuizTo moderate a New quiz by adding time or attempts, click on the quiz in the Quizzes list and go to the Build interface: Click on the Moderate tab: Click on the pencil icon button to the right of the student's name. From the moderate interface, you have the options to 'Re-open' the quiz or add time and attempts: If you choose 'Re-open,' you will be warned that re-opening a quiz does not extend the allowed time, and the current settings remain in effect: Otherwise, you can add time or additional attempts. Additional time can be added before the start of the quiz or to new attempts and can be added in minutes or hours. Also, time limits can be removed entirely: Note: Reopening or adding extra time to an in-progress quiz is possible, but adding time to an existing New quiz session doesn’t instantaneously update the remaining time on the student’s view. The remaining time updates roughly after 5 minutes of adding the extra time. If the quiz’s time limit is less than 5 min, additional time won’t be added, as it won’t reflect on the ongoing session before it ends. This feature is under investigation by Canvas. The current status and time limits on a quiz can be viewed in the Log and Accommodations columns: Note: Only a one-time allowance can be added for each student, but these can be adjusted. Un-submitted, in-progress attempts will be flagged above the student list and can be submitted manually by clicking the link then Submit in the popup: Accommodations in a New QuizAccommodations allow instructors to add or remove time or add time multipliers for all the quizzes in a course for individual students. Only one type of accommodation can be added for each student. Once a New quiz has been Published, you can add an accommodation for a student by clicking the three dots to the right of the quiz name and selecting Build: Then click on the Moderate tab: To accommodate a student for all quizzes in a course, click the student's name. Note that this accommodation for the student applies to all the quizzes in this course. The available accommodations are 'None,' 'Give additional time' in hours and minutes, 'Remove time limit(unlimited)' to allow unlimited time to complete quizzes, and 'Time limit multiplier': You can set the multiplier by calculating how much accommodation a student needs. For example, quizzes set to sixty minutes with a multiplier of 1.5 will be a 90-minute quiz for that student. When you are done, click to Save the accommodation: Time accommodations are listed under the Accommodations column: Moderating A Classic QuizOnce a Classic quiz has been published, you will get a right-hand sidebar item, Moderate this quiz. To moderate a quiz, 1. Click on the Classic quiz name in the Quizzes section of your course. 2. Click on the link Moderate this quiz: 3. Click on the pencil icon to the right of a student's name: 4. If you need to add the same moderation to multiple students, click the check boxes beside the students, and then click the link, 'Change extensions for <n> students': 5. Enter the additional time and attempts for the student: 6. Check the box to “Manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt” if the student is taking the quiz before or after the time range set in the quiz, i.e., outside of the "Available From /Until" setting. Note: Manually unlocking the quiz means the quiz has no end date for the selected student. 7. If the time on a timed quiz has expired, the moderation Time column will display the message Time Up! 8. Unsubmitted quizzes will be flagged. Click to check them, and Submit if you wish to score them. | |