eClass Support
Regrade Quiz Questions in Canvas
Last modified on 11 October 2024 10:11 AM

If instructors identify questions that are ambiguous or have incorrect answers in quiz attempts that have already occurred it is possible to change the correct answer in a quiz question and regrade attempts.

In New quizzes, the regrading method will vary by question type, with some questions allowing corrections to the points and answer choices and others allowing corrections to the points only. In Classic quizzes, you can regrade only Multiple-Choice, Multiple-Answer, and True/False questions after supplying the corrected answer choice and/or changing the question's point value (if required). 

Regrading is not available for Essay or File Upload questions in either quiz type. 

Note: Regrading will affect only submitted attempts. If you wish to regrade for all students, you must wait until all quiz attempts have been submitted.

Regrade New Quiz Questions

Questions are regraded in the SpeedGrader for all students or for individual students.

Regrade a quiz for all students 

1.a. To regrade questions for all students in a New Quiz, first open the Grades tab, go to the SpeedGrader for the item you wish to regrade:

Three dots in Speedgrader

Skip to step 2.

Regrade quiz for individual students

1.b. To regrade questions for an individual student in a New Quiz, first open the Grades tab and click on the individual grade for the student and the item you wish to regrade:

Click individual grade

1.c. Click on the SpeedGrader button for the individual student:

Select Speedgrader in student quiz popup

Continue to step 2.

2. Both options will open the quiz. Click on Regrade in any required question and make changes - either by changing the correct answer (if the option is available) and/or the points value (if required):

Bottom left regrade button

3. When you have made your changes, click Regrade:

Bottom right regrade button

4. Choose the regrading option:

Options dialog popup

Note: Awarding points for only the correct answer may reduce some students' scores. For a detailed explanation of the possible effects of regrading choices, see: What options can I use to regrade a quiz in a course?

Regrading by question options:

  • Multiple choice question - points and answer choice correction
  • Multiple answer - points and answer choice correction
  • Fill in the blank - points and answer choice correction
  • True/False - points and answer choice correction
  • Hotspot - points and answer selection area correction
  • Numeric - points and answer choice correction
  • Categorisaton - points only
  • Formula - points only
  • Ordering - points only
  • Essay - regarding not possible
  • File Upload - regarding not possible

Regrade Classic Quiz Questions

Classic quiz regrade only works with specific quiz question types and only applies to students who have already taken the quiz.

Currently, Classic quiz regrade is available for Multiple Choice, True/False, and Multiple Answers question types.

Adding or removing a question does not trigger the quiz regrade feature. Additionally, changing the point value for a quiz question does not trigger a quiz regrade; the student's submitted quiz will show the updated point value, but the current grade won't change in the Gradebook. If you have edited your quiz in one of these three ways, you should moderate the quiz and let the student retake the quiz.

Important note: Updating a question for regrade changes the question in the quiz. It does not change the question in a question bank.

1. To change any Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, or True/False question, open the quiz:

Three dots in Quizzes tab to edit quiz

2. Click on the Questions tab:

Click questions tab

3. Click the pencil icon to edit the question:

Click pencil icon to edit question

4. When you click to select the corrected answer, the green arrow will move, and you will be presented with the regrade options:

Options radio buttons

The options may be slightly different depending on the question type. For a detailed explanation of the possible effects of regrading choices, see: What options can I use to regrade a quiz in a course?

5. Click Update to update the question.

Update question button

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