eClass Support
Reports and Analytics in Canvas
Last modified on 27 November 2024 05:30 PM

Canvas New Analytics is an interactive tool that helps instructors better track student performance and activity within the course. Learn which students have viewed pages and resources and participated in assignments — and which students may need more encouragement. The reports 

Please note that the level of basic course logging formerly available in eClass does not exist in Canvas. Instructors who have queries about student access beyond what is available in new analytics can contact eClass support for escalation of any queries to the vendor.


Canvas New Analytics has five different analytics tabs:

  • Course Grade - track overall grades by quiz or assignment
  • Weekly Online Activity - track page views and participation in online activities
  • Students - sortable statistics of various individual student activities
  • Reports - generate CSV reports on Missing, Late and Excused Assignments, the Class Roster, and Course Activity
  • Online Attendance - attendance as a count of page accesses

You can access New Analytics in two ways. You can click the link at the top right of your course home page:

Open link top right of page

Or click on the New Analytics link in the course left nav menu. If the link is unavailable, add it to the left course navigation tabs by clicking Settings, then the Navigation tab. Drag the New Analytics tab up to the visible tabs area. Note that even though there is no closed eye icon/ beside New Analytics, it will not be visible to your students.

Each analytics tab has its own set of controls:

Control buttons

Filters: Excepting Reports, each tab can be filtered up to three simultaneous items to view the performance of individual students, whole course sections, all enrolled participants in a course, and by assignment or quiz.

Mail: Under the Course Grade, Weekly Online Activity and Students tabs, students can be sent emails based on various criteria, such as grade performance, whether assignments or quizzes are missing, participation, and other criteria.

Report DownloadsInstructors can download data reports in zipped CSV data sets under the Course GradeWeekly Online Activity, and Students tabs.

Note: Allow up to half an hour for course changes to be reflected in reports.

Course Grade

The Course Grade tab can give you both the general performance of your class and the specific performance details of individual students. It can be displayed as a data table or chart. In the chart view, the grade items on the x-axis are displayed as icons. Their values can be seen by hovering over them with your mouse:

Activity link icons at bottom of chart

The mail option filters recipients according to the selected criteria by score range and whether the assignment is missing or late. You can include a subject line and a message text:

Mail control buttons

Data can be downloaded in a CSV file containing the column headings, Full name, Sortable name, Canvas user ID, Overall course grade, Assignment on time percent, Last page view time, Last participation time, Last logged out, Email, and SIS ID:

CSV fields

Weekly Online Activity

The Weekly Online Activity tab can give you a broader overview of engagement with your course content. It displays a chart and data table summarizing the number of students accessing a resource, the number of views a course page received, and the participation score on each page. The chart can be toggled to a compact data table.

The mail option filters by students who either Viewed, Didn't View, Participated, or Didn't Participate. It can be further filtered by specific course resources and can include a subject line and body text:

Mail controls

Data can be downloaded in two zipped CSV files. The file chart.csv contains the column headings, Week Start, Filter, Students, Avg Page Views, Average Participations, Page views, and Participations:

CSV data fields

The file resource.csv provides a higher-level overview of student engagement with course content and contains the column headings Resource, Students, Page views, Participations:

CSV data fields


The Students tab opens to a data table with a list of all students enrolled in the course and can be sorted by Student, Grade, % On Time, Last Participation, Last Page View, Page views, and Participations.

The mail interface is the same as for Course Grades, with the option to filter by students who either Viewed, Didn't View, Participated, or Didn't Participate.

The file students.csv provides an overview of student engagement with your course content against performance. It lists data under the column headings Full name, Sortable name, Canvas user ID, Overall course grade, Assignment on time percent, Last page view time, Last participation time, Last logged out, Page views, Participations, Email, SIS Id:

Data field in CSV


The Reports tab allows you to generate five separate reports as CSV files with near real-time data for Missing Assignments, Late Assignments, Excused Assignments, Class Roster, and Course Activity.

Each report link comes with an information bubble when clicked shows column headings for the data reported:

Information bubbles

Reports are automatically downloaded to your local computer.

As above, allow up to half an hour for course changes to be reflected in reports. Additionally, the course activity report data only goes back 14 days; data beyond that point can be requested through eClass Support.

Online Attendance

The Online Attendance tab generates a simple "attendance" table that shows course page access filtered by week, day, and criteria.

Note: Attendance criteria may be selected in the settings gear icon at the top right of the page and may include

  • Course Access (default): Student views a page in the course
  • Posts: Student posts a new comment to an announcement or a discussion
  • Assignments: Student submits an assignment
  • Conferences: Student joins a Big Blue Button conference
  • Pages: Student creates a page
  • Quizzes: Student starts taking a Classic Quiz or submits a Classic Quiz

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