Jun 22 |
RESOLVED: eClassLive (Adobe Connect) Service Degradation - Friday June 22nd
Posted by Dave Laurie on 22 June 2018 10:53 AM |
Attention eClassLive users, RESOLVED - June 25th at 9:00AM: The hosting team has made a change to the Adobe Connect infrastructure to resolve the root cause of this issue. Network access has been restored and eClassLive sessions should now function properly. UPDATE - June 22nd at 4:15PM: Our hosting provider has found network traffic slowdowns in the Adobe Connect infrastructure and are working to repair the problem. The eClassLive application is currently experiencing a service degradation. Users may experience issues with audio performance, document sharing, and breakout rooms. We have escalated this issue to our hosting provider, who is investigating further. Thank you for your patience as we try to restore full performance to eClassLive. If you have any questions about this issue, please contact us at eclass@ualberta.ca. Regards, | |