eClass Support
ExamLock Manager Configuration Change
Posted by Dave Laurie on 29 March 2020 09:57 AM

Attention ExamLock users,

Some users who have updated to the latest version of Chrome (80+) may encounter a problem viewing and creating exam sessions when accessing the ExamLock manager in eClass. Affected users will see a blank screen when accessing the manager from their course. This issue stems from a recent security change in the latest version of Chrome relating to cross-site embedding.

We have made a configuration change to the ExamLock manager tool that will launch it in a new window (instead of the current setting that embeds it in eClass) so that users adding new tools will not experience this issue. Users who have already added the tool to their course(s) will notice this different behaviour.

We will release a permanent fix for this issue after the exam period that will allow us to re-enable embedding the manager.

Anyone encountering a white screen instead of the usual list of quizzes and existing sessions can resolve it by accessing the tool settings, clicking show more, and changing the ‘Launch container’ to New window.

If you continue to have issues, please contact IST eClass support.

IST eClass Support

