eClass Support

Attention eClass users,

Update: eClass is now available. The outage was completed early and the site was released at 9:50AM June 20th, 2020.

This is a reminder that there will be a scheduled maintenance outage for eClass Saturday June 20th 2020 from 12:00AM to 11:59PM (24 hours). This outage is required to perform infrastructure maintenance and an update to eClass.

The updates to eClass during this outage will include the following changes:

  • eClass will receive a minor version upgrade containing a number of minor bug fixes and accessibility improvements.
  • A new question type that enables music theory assessment will be released.
  • Infrastructure and code changes will be added to prepare for the release of a new version of the eClass course creation system.
  • Update: External badge integration delayed to August. A new external badge integration will be available to pilot by the Faculty of Education.
  • Update: The Course Materials & Reading List integration will be delayed slightly and released later this summer. A new Course Materials & Reading List integration to the UofA Library will be released.

Please note that while we have booked a 24 hour maintenance window, eClass will be available as soon as the required changes are complete. We will be sending an additional announcement once access to eClass has been restored.

eClass and eClassLive will be unavailable for the duration of this outage. If you have any questions about this outage, please contact us at

IST eClass Support 
