eClass Support
Google File Embed Issue
Posted by Chris Goetz on 04 September 2020 09:59 AM

Attention eClass Users,

We have confirmed that some students in classes with content delivered via the Google File Embed activity are encountering the following error when they try to access video files:

“Unable to play this video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Please try again later”

Our teams have contacted Google Support to have them diagnose this issue. While we work with Google towards a solution, we want to ensure that users who are impacted by this issue are equipped with alternative options to allow students to get access to their content.

Any instructors who have had students report this issue are advised to use one of the following workarounds to ensure students can access their video content:

  1. Post a URL resource to the video file directly or add a shareable link to the video URL in eClass instead of using the Google File Embed feature.
  2. Upload the video directly into your eClass course as a Stream2 video.
  3. If you do not need to control access to your video, you can upload it to youtube and embed it into your course.

If you have any questions or require any assistance with employing one of these workarounds, please contact us at

