eClass Support
Final Exam Delivery Update
Posted by Chris Goetz on 10 November 2020 02:14 PM

Attention eClass Users,

With the final exam period approaching, we recommend that instructors review the available strategies and services for delivering exams remotely.

Instructors who are new to remote exam delivery are also encouraged to view recordings of our recent webinars:

We also strongly recommend that instructors refer to our guides on providing Exam Accommodations in remote exams and reviewing completed exams delivered using Smart Exam Monitor.

During the final exam period from December 2nd through December 22nd, we are also pleased to announce that IST eClass support will be extending our service hours to ensure exam coverage, remaining open from 8:30AM through 6:00PM weekdays and from 8:30AM to 6:00PM on Saturdays.

Also, please note that the eClass infrastructure will be proactively monitored, optimized, and reinforced with additional server resources during the final exam period.

If you have any questions about these updates or require any assistance with using any of these exam delivery services, please contact us at

IST eClass Support
