eClass Support

UPDATE: The maintenance outage was completed early and eClass was released at 12:40PM.


Attention eClass Users,

This is a reminder that there will be a scheduled maintenance outage for eClass Saturday January 2nd 2021 from 12:00AM to 11:59PM. This outage is required to perform infrastructure maintenance and an update to eClass.

The updates to eClass during this outage will include the following changes:

  • eClass will receive a minor version upgrade containing a number of minor bug fixes and accessibility improvements.
  • Several improvements will be made to group work processes:
    • Automated activity completion can now be tracked for the Group Peer Review activity.
    • Course group information can now be exported.
    • Details about groups can now be added to the Group Sign-Up block.
    • Students will have the option to unlock their group selection prior to the sign up deadline.
  • Students will now be able to view their upcoming, unopened courses on their dashboard page under a new tab in the Course Overview block. The Upcoming courses tab will also display the date on which each course is set to open.
  • Users will be able to switch to an alternate dark theme.
  • As a part of the eClassLive (Adobe Connect) decommissioning, the eClassLive activity will be removed from the system.

Please note that while we have booked a 24 hour maintenance window, eClass will be available as soon as the required changes are complete. We will be sending an additional announcement once access to eClass has been restored.

eClass will be unavailable for the duration of this outage. If you have any questions about this outage, please contact us at


IST eClass Support
