Viewing a Report of Content Engagement over Time
Last modified on 05 July 2023 05:20 PM
The Engagement Over Time Advanced Usage report will display student access counts to content in your course across the range of time specified. The report can be filtered by students (or groups) and by specific pieces of content to identify usage patterns for the term or a specific time range. The image below shows a sample report for a specific range of time, filtered for a specific number of activities (for more information on basic filtering see Common Features of Advanced Usage Reports).

Advanced Filtering Options:
- By default, all events/actions (eg. viewing, posting, submitting) are summed together and displayed on the graph. However, it is possible to see only a particular type of action by selecting it from the drop-down. Keep in mind that some actions are specific to certain types of activities, so be sure to adjust the activity filter accordingly.
- If desired, only unique actions (rather than the total) can be selected to be plotted. Multiple actions by a single student are counted only a single time for each time chunk (see next option for more info).
- Granularity refers to how many points in time are calculated to display the graph. Use the slider to adjust the value and the exact number will be displayed to the right. By default, the entire time window (Jan 1, 2015 - Apr 30, 2017 in this example) is split into 16 equal chunks of time and actions/events are counted for each chunk. Increasing the granularity decreases the total length of each time chunk, granting better resolution. Note that requesting increased resolution will require more time to compute and may slow down the display of your report. If you’re curious about which portions of the graph represent the points, you can hold your mouse near a line on the graph and it will show you a tooltip indicating the closest point.
Additional Information:
- The y-axis for the graph is measured in the total number of occurrences of a particular action/event that is counted while processing the eClass event log.
- The x-axis contains the dates (and times if appropriate) during which the events happened. By default, there are only a few time divisions and the graph is quite “rough”. Increase the granularity to get a more exact picture of what’s happening in your course.
- The legend contains entries for each item selected in the activity filter. If no items are selected, a sensible default (common activity types) is shown to the user. As a user, you may select individual activities, entire sections (aggregates all activities in that section), or activity types (e.g., quizzes, assignments). If more than 10 entries were selected, arrow buttons will appear at the bottom of the legend to page through the results.
- Clicking this button will export the results to an excel spreadsheet.
- Clicking this button will save a screenshot (in PNG) of the graph to your computer.
Anytime a graph displays an activity type (e.g., “All forums”), you are able to click on the entry on the legend and the graph will automatically be re-drawn (and the filter updated) with each individual activity in the course selected.
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