You can use eClass to prepare a spreadsheet that can be imported
directly into Bear Tracks as a part of the electronic grade submission
process. To use this capability, you must be the instructor or TA of a
credit section on eClass.
To perform a Bear Tra...
If your students have completed an offline activity (such as a midterm
or final examination) and their grades have been published or recorded
in a spreadsheet, it is possible to import these grades into eClass to
publish them to students.
Once uploaded, ...
Instructors experiencing issues while attempting to upload CSV files
into the eClass gradebook can try the following troubleshooting steps:
* 1 User Mapping Error
* 2 Writing to Database Error
* 3 Multiple users found with email address...
The eClass Gradebook does not directly allow the import of textual
information into standard gradebook columns.
This article describes the workaround of importing the text into the
_Feedback_ location for a column. Common uses for this would be to
The TSQS optical scoring data provided by IST may include a number of
columns in addition to the raw score including the students' wrong
answers and their actual responses.
eClass Moodle will only allow instructors to import one column as the
'Comments' ...
This article describes how instructors can export Credit and
Non-credit grades from eClass in a format that can be uploaded
directly into Bear Tracks and displayed in their course. The process
replaces the course letter grade boundaries with custom entrie...
If you would like to download a copy of your gradebook for offline
review, you can download them in any of the following formats:
OpenDocument spreadsheet, Plain text (i.e. csv), Bear Tracks