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Knowledgebase : eClass > eClass For Instructors > eClass Basics (For Instructors) > eClass Technical issues
[] will
work only after it is granted all the permissions it needs when
installing on macOS Catalina and later ve...
If you are experiencing difficulty locating your eClass courses, you
may be encountering one of the following issues:
Starting Fall 2024, the university has adopted Canvas, and students should ch...
You may sometimes need to clear your browser cache to solve various
issues within eClass.
Please follow the instructions below to clear the cache for your
specific browser. If the instructions do not match your particular
browser version or OS version, s...
The recommended process for communicating with the students in your
eClass course is to use the ANNOUNCEMENTS forum, which is
automatically created in every eClass course. If you do not see this
in your course, please consult the article Missing the Cours...
This article lists the current known issues and technical problems in
ExamLock that are already under investigation or have been added to
our product backlog for repairs.
For instructor or student-specific troubleshooting articles, please
refer to either...
If your students are having difficulty accessing their grades, it may
be one of the following issues:
* 1 The Gradebook is hidden from students
* 2 The Course Total Grade is hidden from students gradebook
* 3 The missing grade item...
Instructors experiencing issues while attempting to upload CSV files
into the eClass gradebook can try the following troubleshooting steps:
* 1 User Mapping Error
* 2 Writing to Database Error
* 3 Multiple users found with email address...
The eClass Gradebook does not directly allow the import of textual
information into standard gradebook columns.
This article describes the workaround of importing the text into the
_Feedback_ location for a column. Common uses for this would be to
* 1 Overridden grades
* 2 Restore a grade for individual student
* 3 Restore grade for a whole grade column
When cells in the ECLASS GRADER REPORT change to orange, it indicates
that grades have been overridden. This ...
The TSQS optical scoring data provided by IST may include a number of
columns in addition to the raw score including the students' wrong
answers and their actual responses.
eClass Moodle will only allow instructors to import one column as the
'Comments' ...
eClass, as well as many other common sites, uses pop-up windows to
enhance the site's user experience by providing new pages with useful
content while retaining the original window or tab. If you have
pop-ups blocked, you may lose access to some of the co...
Once a grade has been edited/overridden in the Grader report, eClass
prevents instructors from changing grades from within the related
If you have entered a grade override for an assignment via the grader
report (as opposed to providing grades ...
On rare occasions, users may encounter the error 'Invalid JSON string'
when trying to upload files. Possible reasons for this include:
* Internet Explorer. Instead, try uploading the file with one of the
recommended browsers [https://eclass.srv.ualbert...
Through the normal course content copy procedures, student and
instructor contributions into the database activity are not copied
forward from year to year.
These submissions are considered user data and for that reason
are excluded from the regular rout...
In the gradebook, you can toggle the display between showing all
grades and totals, total only, and grades only.
To toggle between displays, click the plus-sign, minus-sign or box
icon beside the course or category names. Clicking each icon will
change t...
The 'Announcements' forum should be visible at the top of your class
as shown below:
If the 'Announcements' forum is not visible, follow these steps to
re-enable it:
On your course main page, click on the SETTINGS tab near the top of
your main course pa...
Certain access restrictions can prevent grades from being visible to
students even if their grades have been released to students. These
restrictions can include
* when an access restriction has been applied in an activity's
settings and hidden from st...
This article will explain how to print pages on eClass. This
functionality is governed by print-style component of the eClass theme
but is actively completed by the web browser so there may be slight
differences in the mechanics and output depending on yo...
eClass, as well as many other common sites, uses browser cookies to
improve the site's user experience by remembering preferences and
other useful information. If you have cookies disabled, you will not
be able to access eClass. By default, most modern br...
Instructors can share or embed videos, documents, and forms from their
UAlberta Google Drive through their eClass courses. This article will
explain how to view UAlberta Google Drive content on eClass when it
does not display properly or appears blank.
Some instructors using the eClass Glossary tool may encounter problems
when migrating content from year to year. By default, the Glossary
tool is meant as a collaborative tool so that everyone in the course
can participate in the construction of a resourc...
The spell checker function within the eClass text editor (TinyMCE
editor) is no longer available. This is due to changes implemented by
Google to their Spell Check Web Service.
Fortunately, most modern browsers provide a built-in spell checker
that can ...
With Adobe Flash's end of life (December 31, 2020)
interactive learning objects such as SCORM modules, if based on
Flash, will stop functioning in most browsers at that time. eClass
users w...