eClass Support
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Highlights of Changes to eClass and related services for Fall 2019
Posted by Dave Laurie on 30 August 2019 02:53 PM

Welcome back everyone - we have been busy over the summer improving IST’s digital learning services. 

The major changes that will impact instructors and students in Fall 2019 are listed below:

  • eClass was been upgraded bringing a number of improvements, the most notable being better options for organizing and creating eClass quizzes using tagging in the question bank. 
  • ePoll has replaced iClicker as the campus centrally-supported student response system.
  • The ePortfolio service has been upgraded

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UPDATE: eClass is now available - the maintenance outage was completed early and the site was released at 1:10PM on August 24th, 2019.


Attention eClass users,

There is a scheduled maintenance outage for eClass on Saturday August 24th 2019 from 12:00AM - 11:59PM. This outage is required to perform infrastructure maintenance prior to Fall term.

Please note that while we have booked a 24 hour maintenance window, eClass will be available as soon as the required infrastructure changes

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UPDATED: ePortfolio Outage Friday August 23rd 2019 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Posted by Dave Laurie on 16 August 2019 01:56 PM

UPDATE: the ePortfolio upgrade is complete and the service is back on line.

Attention ePortfolio (Mahara) Users,

The ePortfolio (Mahara) service will be unavailable on Friday August 23rd 2019 from 9:00AM to 2:00PM. This outage is required to apply updates to the system infrastructure and complete an upgrade to the application.

The major changes in the new version of the ePortfolio service include:

  • Sharing portfolio templates with course groups is much easier: pages and collections can now

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eClass Major Outage Schedule 2019-2020
Posted by Chris Goetz on 08 July 2019 09:28 AM

Attention eClass users,

eClass requires regularly scheduled outages to perform necessary updates and maintenance on specific dates designed to minimize the impact on the majority of users.

For the coming year, full 24-hour maintenance windows for eClass and eClassLive are scheduled for the following dates:

  • August 24th, 2019
  • January 4th, 2020
  • May 2nd, 2020 - Major Upgrade
  • June 20th, 2020

Each 24-hour outage will run from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM unless otherwise posted. eClass and eClassLive

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UPDATE: eClass is now available - the maintenance outage was completed early and the site was released at 10:15 on June 22nd 2019.


Attention eClass users,

This is a reminder that there will be a scheduled maintenance outage for eClass Saturday June 22nd 2019 from 12:00AM to 11:59PM. This outage is required to perform infrastructure maintenance and an upgrade to eClass.

The complete list of changes coming in the upgrade can be found here.

Please note that while we have booked a 24

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Respondus Lockdown Browser Deprecation Reminder
Posted by Dave Laurie on 28 May 2019 11:10 AM

Attention Respondus Lockdown Browser users,

This is a reminder that starting in July 2019, Respondus Lockdown Browser (RLDB) will no longer be supported as a mechanism for quiz security at the University of Alberta. The software will no longer be available for any campus computer labs and will no longer be available to download onto user devices.

Instead, IST will now be supporting ExamLock, a secure exam delivery tool that is currently being used by a number of early adopters and is

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