Instructors have a few different ways to embed videos into their
eClass course for students to watch. Please review our lecture
recording overview
This article will explain how to add simple web links into any
editable content area where the HTML editor is available. For
instructors the main places would be: the content section headers of
their course home page, as content within page resources, in
You can add images into any editable content area on eClass. If you
are a STUDENT, you would normally be doing this in a discussion forum,
an online assignment submission (not an assignment requiring a file
upload), or a collaborative page such as a wiki ...
There are 2 main methods of displaying mathematical notations in
eClass, depending on users familiarity with math markup languages: the
more robust method uses the MathJAX filter to display standard TeX
syntax (or MathML); users unfamiliar with TeX can us...
This article outlines how YuJa videos can be added through the
standard eClass editor available in most content areas in the system.
* 1 Introduction
* 2 Adding a video to a content area (example)
* 3 Uploading media
* 4 Recording med...
In any content area on eClass with editing tools, users can upload
files and create links to them.
Linking to uploads can be done in any area where the HTML content
editor is available such as content section headers, topic headings,
page resources, acti...
Sometimes multiple choice quiz questions will be displayed in
different colours or may have additional line spacing added.
Distracting formatting is commonly caused by pasting content from
coded text such as Microsoft Word or web pages which copy unwante...
As a preventative measure, users are encouraged to PASTE AND MATCH
STYLE (paste without formatting, paste as plain text, etc) so that all
previous formatting and styles are ignored when pasted. If you are
pasting from a formatting-heavy source, doing so w...