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Knowledgebase: eClass > eClass For Instructors
Moving a Course Online
Last modified on 01 June 2023 02:28 PM

This article outlines the centrally supported tools available to make a rapid transition to teaching fully online when face-to-face lectures are not possible. It was originally authored at the onset of the Covid pandemic when all courses were forced online but the materials within can apply iunder any circumstances that force instructors to switch delivery methods.

Below, are a series of functions that you may need during online course delivery. Each function has various options and tools available to meet your teaching needs. For some additional considerations about performing these functions in the online space, please consult the CTL's Guide for Teaching Effectively during Disruptions or their guide to Remote Teaching. You can also contact the Centre for Teaching and Learning here.

You will need to create your course on eClass and we strongly recommend that new eClass instructors review the eClass overview for new users.

For any questions about this page or topics regarding the shift to online delivery, please contact IST eClass support at 780-492-9372 or by email at


Create online lecture materials

- Add your files to eClass and Google Drive, or directly embed your Google Drive files into eClass

- Convert your lecture slides to voiceover recordings (Powerpoint, Google Slides)

- Embed video recordings in your course

- Record your screen directly into eClass using YuJa

Communicate with your students

- Post course announcements to your students

- Add discussion forums to your course and post asynchronous communications

- Set up a Google Meet for synchronous communication (eg. online office hours). Please note: Beginning October 1st, 2020, Google Meet will only allow up to 100 people per meeting, down from the previous limit of 250 for the UAlberta G Suite license and the system will no longer support the recording of meetings

- Use gmail for private conversations and book calendar events to set up meetings

Deliver lectures online

- Hold live synchronous online lectures using Google Meet, or Zoom

- Take attendance or poll your students using ePoll

Assess students

- Review the Centre for Teaching and Learning’s guidelines for evaluating students online

- Create student assignments in eClass

- Deliver small-stakes, unproctored quizzes or fully online exams in eClass

- Determine a strategy for delivering summative exams

- Convert your MS Word paper exams into quizzes using the Digitizer

- Set up your Gradebook in eClass to securely deliver student grades and export your grades to Bear Tracks

- Ensure that student accommodations are still met at a distance


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