eClass Support
eClass to Canvas Content Conversion Mapping
Last modified on 07 February 2025 01:17 PM

This article describes how content from eClass maps to content in Canvas through the various migration pathways available as a part of the U of A's LMS transition project. This information should especially be used by instructors when reviewing their K16 courses to determine what steps they need to take to rebuild their courses. All course content - especially quiz questions - must be reviewed thoroughly before being used.

eClass to Canvas Content Conversion Mapping

Content/Activity Type K16 Mass Migration Manual Backup/Import Additional Notes
URL ✔* ✔* URLs transfer but any text entered in their descriptions is lost. 
Descriptions of all resources (files, pages, etc.) ✔* Not transferred Added into modules as a page resources preceding the item. For files with descriptions, the page contains he description and an inline link to the file. 
Text and Media Area (Label) ✔* ✔* * Both methods convert labels to pages but these must be clicked to be viewed (inline rich text is not possible in Canvas modules.)
Topic Heading Descriptions ✔* ✔* * Both methods convert topic heading content to pages but these must be clicked to be viewed (inline rich text is not possible in Canvas modules.)
OneTopic Course Format Not transferred Not transferred Does not exist in Canvas but a similar navigation structure can be created using pages.
Folders ✔* ✔**

K16 migration is a heading followed by indented files in a module.
** Basic migration is a page with embedded files.

LTI tools ✔* Not transferred * The main, centrally-supported site-wide external tools (Zoom, YuJa, Google) are migrated via K16 and function out of the box. Some centrally supported tools will need to be rebuilt in Canvas: Assign2, SEM, Library Reading Lists. For more information see Adding LTI (External tools) in Canvas.
SCORM content Only files transferred In the basic migration, SCORM files are migrated but need to be linked into the SCORM tool and re-added.
SCORM assignments Only files transferred In the basic migration, SCORM files are migrated but need to be linked into the SCORM tool and re-added.
Book ✔* ✔* * Content is migrated as a heading with pages as chapters.
Tab Displays Not transferred
Glossaries ✔* Not transferred  * Content is migrated as a single, flat page listing all glossary entries alphabetically.
Wikis Content links only Nothing transferred  * Content is migrated as links to the original content for easier transfer.
Databases Not transferred * Not transferred Databases can be exported to csv spreadsheets containing all the entries including linked files.
* Migrated by K16 as STUB links.
Discussion forums
Announcement forums Not transferred Not transferred Announcements exist in Canvas are made through their own particular area of the course left nav. Individual course announcements are not transferred.
Anonymous forums Not transferred Converted as a standard forum with the 'Anonymous' flag checked.
Quizzes ✔* ✔**

* For K16, apart from the incompatible question types listed below, all quizzes are migrated as New Quizzes. See below for details about question types.
** For basic migrations, apart from the incompatible question types listed below, quizzes are migrated as Classic Quizzes. See below for details about question types.

Lessons ✔* Not transferred * Lessons are transferred in "exploded" form with a page for each page of the lesson and any questions are converted as quiz questions.
Rubrics Not transferred
H5P Content Only files transferred Only files transferred H5P is not natively supported in Canvas but any .zip packages in eClass courses are preserved. These must either be externally hosted at and linked or rebuilt as SCORM.
H5P Gradable Activities Only files transferred Only files transferred H5P is not natively supported in Canvas but any .zip packages in eClass courses are preserved. These must either be externally hosted at and linked or rebuilt as SCORM.
Chat Not transferred Not transferred
Choice ✔* ✔** * For K16, migrated as New Quizzes.
** For basic migrations, migrated as Classic Quizzes.
Gradebook Categories Not transferred  
Manual Gradebook Columns Not transferred  
Certificate Not transferred * Not transferred Alternatives are being investigated for co-curricular courses.
* Migrated by K16 as STUB links.
Group Peer Assessment Not transferred * Not transferred No alternative in Canvas.
* Migrated by K16 as STUB links.
Workshop Not transferred * Not transferred No alternative in Canvas. Comment-based peer review feedback is possible in assignments.
* Migrated by K16 as STUB links.

Additional Steps/Information For Advanced Content Types and Functions

  • ExamLock is not available in Canvas.
  • Quizzes migrated by K16 are converted into Canvas New Quizzes (which are the recommended type of quizzes to use in Canvas.) Basic question types and quiz settings are all reproduced well in Canvas but some advanced quiz question types are not compatible. All quizzes must be thoroughly reviewed before opening them to students.
  • New Quiz (K16) question type notes:
    • Description type questions do not exist and are converted into Stimulus questions (which do not display to students unless questions are attached;) This feature is on the new quiz roadmap;
    • Essay questions with file uploads need to be rebuilt as File Upload questions;
    • Formula question datasets must be regenerated;
    • Drag-and-Drop onto Text, Drag-and-Drop Labels, and Drag-and-Drop onto Image questions do not transfer. These can be rebuilt as Hot Spot questions;
    • Cloze questions are converted to multiple answer questions but partial points are not possible (questions from eClass that used partial points are converted as essay question to preserve all the original information when rebuilding the question;
    • Special characters in Cloze answers are sometimes poorly formatted;
    • Calculated multichoice questions are converted to standard multiple choice questions;
    • Music Theory, STACK, Medical Calculated, and Random short-answer matching question types do not exist and have no alternative; (an alternative for STACK quizzes are being investigated by the 
    • All question bank categories are migrated but users should note that when copying content from migrated courses, item banks will only appear if they are used in quizzes. Note that it may also be necessary to adjust the item bank sharing permissions to use these in copied courses.
  • Classic Quiz (manual migration) question type notes:
    • Essay questions with file uploads need to be rebuilt as File Upload questions;
    • Drag-and-Drop onto Text, Drag-and-Drop Labels, and Drag-and-Drop onto Image questions do not transfer. There is no alternative in Classic quizzes;
    • Cloze questions are converted to mulitple answer questions but partial points are not possible;
    • Music Theory, STACK, Medical Calculated types, and Random short-answer matching question types do not exist and have no alternative;
    • Datasets in Calculated questions need to be re-created.
    • Important note: manual migrations to Canvas do not take the latest version of questions so instructors must thoroughly review content once it is transferred to Canvas. This issue has been reported to canvas; the only workaround at present is to 'flatten' question versions through exporting then importing into a new question bank category.
  • Empty group shells from eClass are migrated into Canvas but instructors need to be aware of the major differences with groups in the new system, notably that anonymous group access is not possible.
  • The Canvas gradebook is structured very differently from the eClass gradebook so many features cannot be transferred. Graded assessments (assignments, quizzes, and discussions) are transferred with their scores intact. 
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