Issue/Problem |
Summary |
Known Workarounds |
New quiz titles do not update |
Any edits made to the title of an existing new quiz directly on a module page or in the quiz's Assignment Name field will not be reflected in the title of the quiz on the Build page and vice-versa. |
The title of the quiz on the Build page must be updated manually. Canvas is aware of this issue. |
New analytics does not load in very large courses |
In courses that have a combination of a high number of assignment groups and students New Analytics will not load. |
Canvas is working on a fix for this issue. |
Grades do not push from Assign2 |
There are two things that can prevent assign2 from pushing grades: - "update users from LMS" has not been pressed in the student roster screen - The Canvas assignment settings have a limited number of attempts, which will prevent instructors from pushing grades more than once. |
Both issues and their solutions are detailed in our KB article about using Assign2 with Canvas |
Toggling between Participation options in settings clears access dates |
In a courses' settings, switching the participation dropdown from Course to Term will overwrite the course dates (set during the course request process) with the default term dates (which are pulled from Bear Tracks and not editable); switching back does not restore these dates. |
This issue has been reported to Canvas. If an instructor makes this toggle and cannot recall the specific dates they have set, they can discard the changes on the page (navigate away without clicking Save) and the original dates will return. |
Random variables do not display in Formula questions in quizzes. |
If a variable is entered as part of a (LaTeX, etc) equation, the question is unable to properly display the variable in the question. |
None at this time. |
The inventory of all the pages created in a course is not sortable. |
Clicking Pages > All pages will display all the pages created in a specific course but the list is available only in an alphabetic sort. |
Instructors should take care when naming pages and potentially prepend numbers to force items to the top of the list. |
Approved Accommodations dashboard student lists |
The Approved Student Accommodation dashboard is currently not showing all student accommodations in courses that contain more than 10 students. |
This issue is RESOLVED.
Instructors should validate all student accommodation information directly in the ClockWorks Instructor Services Portal until this issues is resolved.