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Knowledgebase : LMS Transition (Canvas) > Canvas for Instructors
All instructors and staff can access the U of A’s Canvas instance at []. Users will need to sign in with their CCIDs to access their courses. All use of Canvas is governed by the Campus Computing Use po...
Instructors who have been approved for the Wave 1 transition or who wish to get started early can begin exploring the Canvas content creation processes in their SANDBOX COURSES [
Instructors are now able to request their Bear Tracks credit courses for Canvas at HTTPS://CC.CLOUD.ECLASS.UALBERTA.CA/ []. This process uses the same system and is analogous to what instructors have used to create cour...
This article provide details on the mass migration of course content from eClass to Canvas as a part of the U of A's LMS transition project [].  Instructors and TAs can learn the nex...
Instructors have a couple of different options to manage the visibility of their course and content availability to students: by setting COURSE PARTICIPATION opening and closing times (for the entire course), or by toggling the PUBLISH settings for module...
The Canvas Dashboard allows users to view all their enrolled courses and organize them according to their personal preference. It also includes a TO-DO list displaying upcoming deadlines and due dates. Students will only see their current term's courses o...
The following recordings cover the latest Canvas Learning Opportunities delivered for Wave 2 of the U of A LMS Migration Project [] in December 2024: * Workshop #1: Creating your ...
Canvas STUDIO is a media streaming service that is available as a part of the Canvas Learning Management System. Studio is similar in functionality to the YuJa [
All Canvas users have a number of areas and options available to personalize their Canvas experience to best meet their needs and learning style. Most customization options are available under user's ACCOUNT menu near the top left of the screen but user's...
This article will describe the Canvas quizzing features and guide instructors on the best practices for creating and using them in their courses, especially when making the transition from eClass. The transition to Canvas quizzes is complicated because ou...
Smart Exam Monitor (SEM) is a 3rd-party external tool that allows instructors to proctor online exams remotely that can now be setup and used in Canvas. SEM can be used for remote proctoring a variety of assessment activities in Canvas such as quizzes and...
ASSIGN2 is a third-party tool that allows students to upload paper assessments to be graded online. Instructors can also create scannable PDF paper submissions for in-person exams and online peer-graded assessments. Assign2 allows students to complete so...
Assignments in Canvas have a wider functional role than they do in eClass: they are used to create all traditional graded student activities [
If instructors identify questions that are ambiguous or have incorrect answers _IN QUIZ ATTEMPTS THAT HAVE ALREADY OCCURRED_ it is possible to change the correct answer in a quiz question and regrade attempts. In NEW quizzes, the regrading method will va...
Overall the gradebook in Canvas is less complex than in eClass which will vastly simplify grading for most users. Instructors using advanced gradebook features and/or calculating grades with custom formula will need to move these calculations to an extern...
Canvas provides a basic tool to recover inadvertently deleted content in a course to maintain continuity in a course. This article will outline the basics for restoring deleted items and the limitations of this process. This feature is not as robust as t...
Creating a course from scratch may seem daunting, so to assist with that process, the U of A has created a template that is added by default to all sandbox courses and can be added to credit or co-curricular courses. Canvas constructed the template in con...
Similar to the mechanisms in eClass, there are a couple of ways to track student progress in Canvas courses. The basic way involves a visual indicator, per student, of their progress through course modules, analogous to the Completion Progress Block [http...
ZOOM is currently available for all Faculty and Staff at the UofA. If a Zoom account is required by a Staff or Faculty member who does not want to access Zoom via Canvas (or eClass), please contact us at to request a manual account in Z...
This article outlines the best practices for working with videos in Canvas and contains recommendations for when to use the main 2 centrally-supported tools, Canvas Studio and YuJa Enterprise Video. Guides for using these tools are here: YuJa [https://sup...
This article describes the default course settings applied to all Canvas courses and highlights the important things for instructors to be aware of and or change based on their needs.  CONTENTS: * 1 Changing Course Names * 2 Changing Course Access ...
NEW FOR THE WINTER 2025 TERM, Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor have been selected through RFP as new exam security and monitoring applications for Canvas at the U of A. These tools are currently available in addition to all the existing ex...
This article outlines how YuJa videos can be added through the standard Canvas rich content editor (RCE) available in most content areas in the system.  * For instructors, common spots for adding media would include quiz instructions and questions, dis...
Canvas has a toggle at the top of course pages, labeled "View as Student". This functions similarly to creating a Demostudent in your eClass course. To enter the student view, click the button at the top right of the screen: [Student view button on Canv...
In Canvas, instructors can give students partial marks for questions that allow multiple answers or require that they select every correct option. The possible options differ slightly when using either the NEW QUIZ or CLASSIC QUIZ types, so this article w...
This guide outlines how instructors can add interactive elements to videos uploaded into Canvas Studio [] -- one of the approved media streaming tools [
Discussions facilitate student engagement with course content. They can be general discussions, small group discussions, or one-on-one conversations between an instructor and student. The instructor may grade discussions, and they may also be graded as a ...
For students who require additional time or attempts in Canvas quizzes, there are several options depending on whether they are attempting a CLASSIC or a NEW quiz. CONTENTS: * 1 Moderating a New Quiz * 2 Accommodation in a New Quiz * 3 Moderating...
Instructors have 3 main options to share course content between their own courses or to colleagues: * Send To; * Import / Export Content; * or Canvas Commons. This article outlines all three options and identifies the use cases (and potential issu...
Participants in a Canvas course can be divided into groups much like in eClass (Moodle) however there are some key differences which will be outlined in this article.  MOST NOTABLE IS THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO HAVE ANONYMOUS GROUPS - IF PLACED IN GROUPS...
This article provides an overview of the communication tools available for instructors within Canvas. The Canvas Learning Opportunities [] delivered...
Users moving existing course content from the eClass/Moodle environment to Canvas may be seeking ways to recreate various hierarchical display methods for course content. Content moved automatically between systems will come across as a series of pages (f...
Just like in eClass, instructors can add external LTI tools or apps that link out to online educational tools into their Canvas courses. This is not required for the existing institutionally-licensed tools which are already added to Canvas and available f...
If you are enrolled in a Canvas course as a Teacher or a Non-Editing Teacher, you can enroll additional users into your course. (This capability is not available to TAs.) This would be commonly used to add co-instructors or TAs into credit courses or to a...
CANVAS TEACHER is a mobile app that allows instructors to facilitate their courses on the go, both inside and outside the classroom. This app provides quick access to grading, communicating, and updating — three of instructors' most frequent course facili...
This article outlines how instructors can take student grades completed in offline activities then recorded in a spreadsheet and publish them into the Canvas gradebook. Once uploaded, STUDENTS CAN ONLY VIEW THEIR OWN GRADES, and instructors have full cont...
Instructors wishing to share files with students in Canvas will not find a direct analogue to the eClass Moodle FOLDER activity. Files can be added as links in modules but adding numerous files to a in that way creates a long, cluttered list of files. Th...
Instructors with existing Yuja videos (or new ones uploaded via sign-on at can add Yuja videos to any content area in Canvas just by using the Yuja button found in the toolbar: [Yuja button in content areas] However, you may fi...
This article describes how content from eClass maps to content in Canvas through the various migration pathways available as a part of the U of A's LMS transition project []. This in...
In addition to the common calendaring features available with many learning management systems, the calendar in Canvas offers a unique variety of functionality not available in Moodle. This article will cover the basics of the Canvas Calendar as well as h...
Quiz activities on Canvas may be printed for students who require a paper option for test taking. The recommended _New Quizzes_ on Canvas has options for printing a blank quiz as well as one with an answer key. Printing on _Classic Quizzes_ is limited to ...
This article describes how instructors can customize the graphical elements of course pages including the home page that is provided in the U of A Custom Template [
Much like in eClass, Canvas allows instructors to upload SCORM packages created in external content creation tools like Articulate Rise, the main difference being that SCORM must be enabled in a course since Canvas implements it as an external tool. Packa...
When extenuating circumstance cause students to miss assessments, instructors using Canvas have a couple of options available to adjust the grade calculations. CONTENTS: * 1 Excluding Grades from Calculation (Recommended) * 2 Shifting Grade Item We...
This article describes how instructors can convert quiz questions and question banks in their eClass courses into new quiz item banks and quizzes in Canvas. The process leverages Canvas' built-in workflows that are a part of Classic quizzes. This is not ...
This article describes how users can access all the courses on Canvas they need to _without needing to be enrolled directly in those courses_. Some example uses for this type of access are: * departmental administrators who oversee programs; * suppor...
This article lists the steps instructors need to follow to export their gradebook from Canvas, reformat it correctly, and then import it into Bear Tracks. To use this process, users must be enrolled in BearTracks/Campus Solutions as the instructor of reco...
Instructors who wish to use attendance as a class participation metric are recommended to use the ONLINE ATTENDANCE feature in Canvas' NEW ANALYTICS which shows which day-by-day students accesses to a course. Alternatively, instructors may add the ATTEND...
Canvas allows instructors to control student access to their course as a whole or particular elements or activities. This article describes the key differences in access control instructors must learn when switching from eClass and details the new termino...
Canvas NEW ANALYTICS is an interactive tool that helps instructors better track student performance and activity within the course. Learn which students have viewed pages and resources and participated in assignments — and which students may need more enc...
In Canvas, there is not a tight H5P integration into the LMS like there was in eClass so it is not possible to construct or use native h5p content directly in the system. Instructors can pay to have their H5P content hosted at an external site like
In New Quizzes, instructors should be aware that Canvas has two separate settings that control when grades are released to students after they complete a quiz. To prevent grades from being immediately released after automatic grading, _both settings must ...
Cross-listed courses are courses containing multiple sections. For a crosslisted course with the same course number, instructors can filter the Canvas gradebook [link this to instructions below] by section and then "Export Current Gradebook View" to gene...
